2.1 Known Issues

Poorly hidden art on all the statues but red…obviously low priority but here is the report all the same. Only screen grabbed two of them.

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Is it only on that troop the issue is occuring?

We would prefer to have 2.1 issues listed here.

Showing level 80 as -1/50 XP

I don’t play heavy skull generation teams or exploders that often in this meta but I will update if it happens again.

Got it
Thanks …will move my report then

Yes, the message is occurring when multiple people try to complete a task, no doubt. The issue is really that it’s handled inelegantly. It tells you there’s a new update and then kicks you from the game and to the App Store.

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I am trying to find the Guardian charts for Bonuses in regards to Levels

I think Brown Guardian Bonus is wrong.

Currently all our other Guardians have something for the Bonus (Levels for Guardians is 28 except Brown is 27.

Yet, Brown Guardian shows +0 Glory Bonus and Next Bonus level will be at 50 before we get any bonuses for Brown.

That doesn’t seem right when the other Guardian status have bonuses.

We’ll take a look into it. It shouldn’t be kicking you to the app store and saying there is an update if you already have the update.


My guild’s green and purple statues seem to have gotten reset?
I can assure you that we were levelling each colour equally before the update.
Also, lots of graphical glitches on this screen. (screenshots from Steam version. There are some glitches showing on my Android version as well, but not as obvious)

Edited to add screenshot showing my masteries being affected by this

Edit 2: Looks like it’s been fixed, thank you (?) !!

That’s working as intended.

Thanks for the info. Will there be a chart published for what’s at what levels?

We’ll try to look into that for the future, no promises though.

Leader-board issues?

Just got the same problem as well.

Also experiencing the issue with statues having negative experience.

Five of our six statues are like this.

Trigger warning, the next line might offend some people.

Hey look a new dev we have not seen before. Hello new dev tothe forums.

I was in a battle, clicked on chat, got tempted to try out a guild mate’s defense team. Did so, and then the game froze. Android platform.


Hello! I was lurking in the shadows but my invisibility potion ran out. So I should be no longer appearing in stealth.


Did the Guild Events log disappear or am I just so sleepy I’m missing it?

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