(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

@Sheba All the arts of The Warrens, Bunny Faction is here!! ^^

Please forgive my terrible editing skill… :sweat_smile: K41 background is also not available yet, so I have to do with News section in game. Hope you enjoy my attempt at it! ^^

Also, whatever you decide about the game, I’m glad for you being a part of our community. I wish you the best happiness with whatever you choose!


:open_mouth: Thank you so much for posting this! The bunnies look really awesome! Happy to see Lapinas, but of course the more bunny-like bunnies are the best! Happy they are coming to the game. Wish they wouldn’t be gated behind delves, though! Bunnies deserve to be enjoyed by everyone and all the time!:rabbit:

Thank you!:hugs: I love the community here and would love to stay, but I just… don’t know what to post anymore I guess? I mean I could just randomly post bunny-pictures in threads but I think that would get me into trouble with Salty sooner or later. :stuck_out_tongue:


It"s hard to be upset over potential future changes after looking at units like this. :grin:


Ultra-rare? That needs to be a mythic.


I’m a big fan of scifi. Because of this, I am an admirer of elements of cyberpunk culture, such as mechs, artificial intelligence, synthetic, androids, cyborgs and others.

I admire Adana’s theme with her Engineers from the beginning, however, for years I’ve been waiting for a really good Mech. The only one in that realm with some differential is the Dracos 1337 and yet there are no others who can form a good team with him.

Today, riding a team with the kingdom class for the class event, I was completely frustrated. The focus on Divines really did leave other classes aside and forgotten in time.

I hope in the future to see some strong and prominent Mech, after all, what is not difficult is to imagine a huge robot with great firepower and defense, like the Mobile Suits.

Touche. Also gross. Do not want lol.

We have a Kaiju (Megavore), but we don’t have a giant (Mythic) Mech to fight it in Shentang… :disappointed_relieved:

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Totally needs to be a mythic! I didn’t know the name, so I thought this was an artificial horn to make it into a war rabbit, but rabbitcorn works, just like in real life! :rabbit:

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Yes, we lack a competitive Jaeger. Adana should have powerful Mechs. My last hope is that we will be graced with interesting Mechs with the arrival of the Faction attached to the kingdom.

I think developers could take advantage of the Steampunk theme of the realm and gift us with powerful battle robots, powerful enough to deal with Divines and other creatures of that level.

Always a chance that the Adana Mythic is some kind of Mech. Given that are plays on giant monster creatures are already in game, such as Megavore and Gigantaur, it would seem appropriate that a play on the Giant Robot Trope would be appropriate for Adana. Heck, I’ll even settle for a Megas XLR parody for Adana’s mythic mech.

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As The Warrens’ background is the entrance image for the game now, (and because I’m bored), I updated the previous pictures and adding the new one for Primal Rift! :grinning:

PS. Why does Primal Rift’s troops look so evil?


It’s their synergy. Other faction troops got badass spells and traits, they got badass looks. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Probably because something is making them go elemental.


You’d be evil too if you were forced to be a bunch of faction troops in a Delve.


What is a type 9 event?

probably a battlecrasher event


Oh i forgot they added a new type of event. But isnt it similar to gnome event where troops randomly drop rewards? Do you know what role spooky imp plays in the event? We will get the imp as a reward?

Spooky Imp is likely the actual battle crashing troop, to celebrate Halloween. As for the reward, your guess is as good as mine.


If he drops freakin souls, then we all will be tricked.