(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)









maybe the next kingdom?

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Ketras and Infernus, sittin’ in a tree…


I’m not sure about Apocalypse but I believe there is another kingdom coming soon named Gurrak. I don’t know much about this kingdom other then the name, ID 3037, and map position.



Some great looking troops among those, looking forward to their release.


K34 = best kingdom <3

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What can you say, it is a fiery romance.


It seems quite similar to Blighted Lands…

But else they all look Mythics (aside the dog). Are we going to get a special full Mythic kingdom?

A Skeleton Key… Zaejin… :thinking:
My predictions were based on the false assumption that the color of the weapon should match the color of the kingdom…

But cool now we can predict the classes:

  • Pridelands: Huntermonster
  • Darkstone: Gladiator or SM master
  • Glacial Peaks: Enchanter
  • Khaziel: Runepriest (this one is already in the file)
  • Zaejin: Shaman
  • Wild Plains: Soothsayer
  • Leonis Empire: Guard

I’ve been assuming that since Runepriest is in the files, and the green symbol for the next Class Event looks like a rune, that the next Class Event is Runepriest.

Any spoiler data to confirm or deny my theory?

Found this:

  • “ClassCode”: “Runepriest”
  • “QuestId”: 9367
  • “Date”: “07/06/2018 7:00:00 AM GMT”

More Info:

  • “Augment”: “Dwarf”
  • “Kingdom”: 3012, “Khaziel”
  • “Traits 1”: “Dwarf Bond”, “Allied Dwarves gain 2 Life.”
  • “Traits 2”: “Rocky Death”, “Summon a Duststorm when an enemy dies.”
  • “Traits 3”: “Dwarven Mettle”, “All Dwarven allies gain 2 Life and Attack on 4 or 5 Gem matches.”
  • “TalentTrees”: [“Stone”, “Knowledge”, “Guardian”]
  • “HealthIncrease”: [1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1]
  • “ArmorIncrease”: [1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]
  • “AttackIncrease”: [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
  • “BonusColor”: “yellow”
  • “BonusWeapon”: “brown”
  • “ClassWeapon”: 1158, “Runeforger”

Class picture:



Nice :wink: . Do you have any spoilers on the classes? Like the picture of the class?

Thanks :slight_smile: .

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Stone is good.(Oracle and Titan have it). Fortitude, Stone Mastery, Rock Solid, Dwarven Armor for Dwarves, etc.

Knowledge is bland.(Bard class has it). It has the Ancient Golem summon and self-enchant on green, a non-popular color for dwarves.

Guardian is okay here, I don’t see it being used much. (Knight and Deathknight have it). It has Dispel on 4/5 match which could hamper enemy players with Dawnbringer, self-barrier at battle start and barrier an ally when an ally dies. Also has add 20% of armor as skull damage if in first slot.

(there are more classes than the examples I used above)

So anyone using the Dwarf class is mostly going to spec almost 100% Stone. Weapon seems kinda mediocre unless it had a boost ratio of 2 or more.

Overall, just from whats listed, its a bit of a filler class. Although helpful on Red def GW days, I still don’t think I’d use it due to the inconvenience of swapping classes and accidentally triggering the 50 gem cost. Great game design, you know?

I welcome new things, but this is a bit of a miss.

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Isn’t it funny that Titan has the designated DWARF tree, but not the designated STORMheim GIANT tree?
I know slightly offtopic, but i just can’t wrap my head around it and the silence of the Devs about it, excuse me, continue.

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Eh… I get where you’re coming from but I’m not sure its that big of a deal. Storm Talent tree only has 1 instance of All Giants gain blah blah. I guess that Stryx class people can get up in arms when that somehow misses the Suncrest hero class as well.

Most of Stone is better than most of Storm anyways, which Storm perk would you take over for Stone at the same tier anyways?

Storms 10 with at least one yellow troop in the team and 40, 70 and 100 pretty much every time, easily the best talent choices for most any giant team imho with few exceptions(that i would probbaly not play).
Edit: confused the numbers, 40 Stone is pretty good, is a wash between the two for me tbh though i tend to go for Stone there.
I’d also pick 20 from Storms over Stone, though would probably go with other trees there, obviously depending on team.
5 is depending on what weapon i use, would also end up in another tree if i used neither mace nor hammer.

I don’t see any competition honestly, Storms is hands down more suited for the class.
That being said personally i wouldn’t necessarily switch Stone for Storms, i find Wind thematically less fitting than Stone, but Storms is a must imho.