(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

Last minute change just came down for King Bloodhammer (and two other troops as well).


Bask is a very silly name for a spell. Unless she’s a lizard that sunbathes.

Bloodhammer will be less frustrating

Sunas 3rd trait, inferior to Titanias… meh.

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Euh What… Faerie fire on red match is as easy to do than on 4-5 gem match

With a specific gameplan revolving around red gems yes absolutely, but 4-match traits are more universally useful and allow profiting from all kind of transformations/spawns not just reds, and Suna is Divine hint hint.

Oh ya Divine Oo

So Ishballa will screw her a bit didn’t thought about that

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Oh god. Not sure if Suna’s going to be better or worse than Titania… but couldn’t they at least make it Faerie Fire and Burn a random enemy?

Also, does Faerie Fire even affect stealing spells and do they count as damage that’s doubled? Because that would make her a superior Xathenos.

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Good question, I’d hazard a guess at no but I haven’t tested it. We could run Titania + Draak on something to find out.

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Draakulis steal and Xathenos dont work with faerie fire.


That’s… a shame… probably accidental… the game code is spotty on whether life steal is damage or not…

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Life received when stealing always seems to be the base damage value, without taking any buffs/debuffs into account. Barrier blocks damage dealt, life is still received.

Weird bugs I encountered today.


Purple stars??? That’s definitely something new!


Looks like preparations for eventually increasing kingdom power limit from 10 stars to 15 stars.

And to 20. Gold is the next color to appear after white. Then comes purple, overwriting the gold.

Yeah, I don’t understand those new color stars. It looks like purple is next after gold but also that aqua color appears to overwrite the gold too :thinking:

Edit: Looking at it again maybe purple will be the new (what is currently) gold, and then gold will the level AFTER purple and then Aqua the final level. Which actually would make more sense and more closely match ascension: white<blue<purple<gold<aqua.

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Woah!!! That’s intense! What platform are you playing on @netwizard? And have you reinstalled your game?

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This being the spoiler thread, care to comment why both aqua and purple stars overwrite gold? Will there be ways to specialize kingdoms once you hit level 16?

Steam. Yes, I deleted and redownloaded it. Ruined 2-3 Invasion and 3-5 Bounty matches for me. I posted other screenshots in Cool screenshot topic.

It first started happening after Pet Battles. Seems that I opened Troops menu and clicked to Pets tab before all the images were downloaded (these images are being downloaded every time I restart the game).

After that it started happening outside of Pet Events.

Assume aqua overwrites purple. It’s the ascension / rarity card order, as @fleg says