(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

Truth be told, to me he just looks like a larger version of Lava Elemental.

Though, there are similarities between them and Dark Monolith.

This discussion started with one player saying that it seems Infernus is coming from hell.
You replied “no it should be related to inferno and not infernus or infernal” which is only an assumption.

You found other examples of troop names which not really fit the troops, okay but it is not argument to put an unrelated name on a new troop…

Pharos-Ra was firstly named Pharus-Ra. I guess they change his name because Pharus is too close to Phallus in terms of prounciation. It’s only a guess and I can be totally wrong :stuck_out_tongue: .

In this case, I wasn’t speaking about etymology but about the common sense (even if it seems that generally Hell is represented with a place with lots of flame). Can we agree that Blighted Lands is a hellish place? And that there is a lot of flames there?

Yes and what? He can be from hell and be a nice guy. Like Incube/Succubus ;-).

Yes and what? Do you assume that this material is only available in Broken Spire because one troop is composed of it?

To me, Infernus looks like the fusion between IK and OG… But the skull head is too much an hellish element for Broken Spire… Whatever devs will not change the graphic as Blighted Lands has already a Mythic :slight_smile: .

About the spell, I will prefer to choose one of the enemy + the other chosen randomly better than both chosen randomly. So we can target someone we want to kill.

Okay, for the record, “Anu’s Sceptre” is by far the worst name ever. It’s one apostrophe away from disaster.


Gold, gold, gold!

Forgive me but i thought his name was originally Horus


Yeah but the name felt incomplete that way, so instead of selling us short they decided to Horus out



You’re right. But I’m quite sure that he was renamed from Horus to Pharus-Ra in the files… and then Pharos-Ra before his release. You can find some use of “Pharus-Ra” in this forum here.

So you’re saying if i don’t get him i can just evolve one of my IKs?

Oh, oh I liked that!

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Yeah but you should level up IK to 50 which will be possible only from patch 15.0 (release date around 2048)…
Or maybe sooner with Gem Candy (I’m not a specialist of Pokemon… I’m quite surprised about the number of different possibilities).

Bout time you showed some class!! Hahaha

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I’ve been calling it the Unfortunately-Named Sceptre for years. Finally someone understands me!!

In fact - why isn’t it called ‘The Sceptre of Anu’ instead? “The” optional. … probably too long …

Ahem. I feel a little underwhelmed by Infernus’ art, given the obvious similarities to IK. I mean, its a 2.0, its right there, is soooo close…


speaking of Infernus, it is only 3 hours away right? Surprised we haven’t gotten an official non-spoiler dev post.

The post is queued for later. It’ll come I promise.

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No idea what went wrong, but I do not have Infernus in my troops section. Instead I have a naga…

You’re not alone. There is rather a lot of discussion happening in the Infernus release thread about this. He’s still in chests, all the same.

He’s available, but he’s presently hidden from the “Show All” option.
He might also not be visible on mobile yet, for whatever reason.

Either way, he can be gotten from chests (yes, even on mobile), and he can and has been used in matches (again, even on mobile).


Thanks for the info, just looked here in spoilers and thought the Images might be of interest.