(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

Didn’t mean to be harsh, just calling it as I see it. If someone was offended, I apologize.

For whatever reason, for the code :frowning: the forum uses the emoji :frowning: Frowning Face With Open Mouth (Unicode name).

If you want, there’s also :frowning2: for :frowning2: Frowning Face, or :slight_frown: for :slight_frown: Slightly Frowning Face. There’s also :disappointed: :disappointed: which seems more appropriate for the situation.


Smug mode :slight_smile:

Wait, what was the legendaries original trait?

The new one sounds bad.

It was: Gain 2 Magic on 4 or 5 Gem matches.


That sounds so much better.

That trait still seems to be present, just under a different name.


TBH I actually like that it has Naga Slayer. OG Garuda was a Naga Slayer. BTW those who don’t know what is Garuda please Google it. It’s a lovely piece of information

Yay - it’s like mini Wulfgaruda! I love traits like this - they bring meat to the synergy mechanic of troop types and kingdoms that I used to enjoy at much, much lower levels.

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When I think Garuda I think about the Street Fighter Ex character

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At this point Garuda has become synonymous with the FFXIV Primal for me.
(Worth watching the video just for the music, if you’ve never heard it. It’s fantastic.)


I recognize him as the eagle that is the vehicle of Vishnu in the Indian mythos. That’s why Garuda having Naga Slayer made a ton of sense to me

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Ok what troops do you think will be boosted in the upcoming addition?

Forest of Thorns event week.

I’d say FoT troops and Elves get the +25%. The boost to glade warden attack coupled with his 3rd trait could be useful. Boost to Rowanne’s armor will have a nice impact too.

The quest epic is Rowanne, so snotstones will have to do with her. Not sure what though, her quest line involves curing the forest so not a big hint on what they’d do.

They won’t do Elves. Hopefully. They’ve already had them twice. My bet is on Fey.

That would double bonus Rowanne… big boom!

The new troop is Elemental/Elf, which is why I figured Elf.


It could also be elemental. But that would be week 3 with a boost to elementals

I don’t think any of that deters them. They’ve doubled and even tripled up on stuff like that before if they saw fit.

I guess what I’m saying is I don’t expect the Devs to arbitrarily say “oh, we can’t boost elves, we just did that a couple of weeks ago”.

OK…Diff time!

Changes observed in game files:

  • All of Suncrest troops have now gained a spell, and some have gained traits…

  • Next (after Suncrest) kingdom’s troops appeared. They are currently slated for 2017-05-26. Only troop and spell names are currently available, not even colors are set properly (they’re all mono-red regardless of rarity).

  • Release schedule after new kingdom is shifted forward by one week to fit the new kingdom.

  • May’s mythic gained a third trait, and June’s mythic appeared.

  • Full spell and trait info for the new GW troop rewards.

Full details will follow later, or per request, as that’s a lot of info. In the meantime, behold next week’s troop:

This spoiler image is fan-assembled from game files, and UNOFFICIAL.

(Retrieved 2017-03-20)

Captain Skullbeard
Epic / Blackhawk / Undead Rogue
Spell: Hidden Treasure (11 Blue/Green) - Create 5 Skulls, boosted by Treasure Maps collected. Then Explode [Magic/2+1] Gems. [x3]
Traits: Undead Bond / Greedy / Water Spirit
Requires: Minor Water, Arcane Swamp Traitstones
Max stats: Attack - 21; Life - 21; Armor - 15; Magic - 6 (When fully ascended and level 20)
Flavor Text: Look a three-headed monkey.
Will arrive in 7 days (2017-03-27).


Can I get the information on May’s mythic? It may be the first time I go fishing on release day – unless Stonehammer gets a serious upgrade.

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I’m right here with you matey. Dragon mythic is making me salivate

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