Red Dimond's Official Guild forum chat

                             Guild Requirement Updates

I have been doing some hard thinking on this topic and it is just consuming me. My ambition is getting the better of me. I want us to be a good…no, a great guild. But then I start thinking… “why?” It already takes too long in the game to get resources that mean so little. It shouldn’t be about getting the resources, the seals, or the Legendary tasks. It’s about just enjoying the game and if I make the requirements harder, not only will I be stressing on you guys to get more done but I too will be having to do more to ensure the requirements are being followed.
So I came to a conclusion, one that probably wasn’t expected. I will keep the 300k gold as a requirement until later time. I may still want to raise that eventually. As for seals… I asked myself, what damage are the seals causing the guild currently? None. So unless it becomes an issue about getting 40k seals in the future, I am just not going to bring them up anymore.
So did that go as you expected? Me neither. I just want to continue being you guild leader and not let my ambition make me a dictator. So hopefully you are enjoying what I can and am bringing to the table and I’ll try not to let this game stress me out as much.
In closing the new guild requirements are 300k gold and daily Guild War fights. I will not be super strict on this but if you are continuing to not help the guild then I may need to find someone who can.

your guild leader

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