Lyrasza's lair is not a good idea

Who is the stu_ide dum**ss that imagines the Lyrasza’s lair ?

Random is the worst thing in this game.
Biased the random to the AI (because the devs are not able to program a good AI…) is never NEVER NEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEERRRRRRR a good idea.
Based a full faction just on random is just a complete absurdity (or just shows the devs don’t play their game).
It is just so obvious the random is biased: Lyrasza never deals her damages, dementicor never steals attacks… that’s just bullshit.

The devs would have put with the delve a message “give me your money, so I can shit on your face”, it would have been the same.

The random in this game is ruining the joy. Devs, keep on like that and you can be sure, your long time players will leave


There are so many posts already discussing the design of this delve.
SInce your post doesn’t contibute much to the discussion, did we really need a new topic for that?

Do we really need to be clear that we want a change in the random?
Do we really need to be clear that we no longer want more random based event?

Sorry. I checked the first 20 threads, found nothing, created another thread.

If the topic is well known, why do we keep on suffering this kind mystakes? (and please forgive me if everything has already been said… I’m just upset)

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