Homebound Recruiting! Rank #49 GW Bracket 4, 15 LT's ,30/30 closed for now

Oh, you asked to join several guilds at once. Guess we keep looking!

Sorry fish, no one likes your smell.
(Perhaps we should let you in to shower… Just this once)

Ooooh that smell
Can’t you smell that smell

10 charact

very cleve

Working sucks

To the top!

Working does suck, that’s why I do not do it! Playing gems of war is a Job?

11dy brazzillion gems to join my guild!!!

I’m tempted to /gquit and re-join to get in on these gems :smiley:

Bippity boppity bump


Sorry for yelling :frowning: It’s all just so emotional

I forgive you <3

Looking for more friends!

Bueller, bueller…

Happy Liver failure day!

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Saturday night’s the night I like
Saturday night’s alright, alright, alright

Don’t give us none of your aggravation
We had it with your discipline
Saturday night’s alright for fighting
Get a little action in


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Wondering if you are still looking for someone. I am currently in a guild but im looking to get out, not too many members are contributing or participating in GW. Im level 600ish, usually max out my guild seals and contribute over 500,000 coins a week. I also play all guild wars. Sometimes not on the day if i get busy, but most of the time i do. Let me know if youre still looking and i will quit guild and send you my invite


We are still looking, we can get you invited as soon as you are ready!

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