Campaign 2 Tasks - (Week 8 Updated)

Campaign 2 Week 4 Strategy

You’ll want to save the Adventure Board for S3 and for easy Divinion Fields team battles (G2). However, the World Event works nicely to simultaneously work on G2, B9, and B2/B7.

  1. Open 2 Event Chests (B1).

  2. Craft 3 Yellow Summoning Stones (S1).

  3. Win 6 Battles in a single Arena run (S2) – you can continue from last week, if you stopped at 4 or 5.

  4. Pick any fast team and fast battle location, change the class to Oracle for 4 wins (B2), and the Banner to Divinion (YP) for 22 wins (G1). The Dungeon is an option, as is setting up Zhul’Kari’s Mini Boss battle and farming some Mythstones elsewhere, but it’s probably best to keep the Adventure Board to G2.

  5. Switch to Karakoth fast Explore for 13 Purple kills (B3).

  6. Continue farming Mythstones to match 90 Purple gems (B4).

  7. Complete 1 Treasure Hunt with 60+ turns (B5).

  8. Fast Explore Divinion Fields for 9 Centaur kills (B6).

  9. Once G1 is complete, switch to a Divinion Fields team for 22 wins (G2) and complete the Adventure Board (S3).

  10. Use a Staff Weapon for 4 wins (B7).

  11. Win 4 Ranked PvP battles (B8).

  12. If your Divinion Fields team isn’t strong enough for Ranked PvP (G2), fast Explore Zhul’Kari, looking for one Arachnaean Weaver (B9). Alternatively, do the same in the World Event.

  13. Finish off with a single Divinion Fields Explore run at D4+ (B10).

  14. On Tuesday, complete the Adventure Board again (S3).

  15. Now play Ranked or Casual PvP to earn a total of 25 Glory (S4).

Here’s a good PvP defence team to help out other players. Basically, 3 Herdmasters and one Arachnaean Weaver: [6019,6555,6019,6019,3037,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,14033]