The (Un)Official Console Weekly Event Thread Part 1 (Closed)

What lvl are you?

Not really at the moment. Maybe when we get the the impervious buff


  • Heā€™s the only troop that uses purple mana from Adana, potentially helping your Adana team which is a task that regularly cycles
  • He has the impervious trait so heā€™s one of the few actually viable anti-maw troops, once that patch is released on console

Other than that, heā€™s not particularly amazing. I guess he could be decent in a skull generation team (like with bone dragon & maybe Infernal King) after being fully traited but there are generally better combinations out there.

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Carnex is great as a Defense troop right now. Between his spell destroying skulls and his Armored & Impervious traits heā€™s one of the best counters to the current meta (Maw & Mab). But his usefulness stops there.


very good with sparkgrinder!
about glory, best home kingdom to have is whitehelm.

Cheers. I have whitehelm as my home kingdom and its my only 3 star one too. Made a huge difference. Aim to 3 star all the glory kingdoms first

While that might work best for Glory, if you donā€™t have any other 3 stars Kingdoms yet. I strongly
suggest you start with the Kingdoms you currently have at least 8+ troops in. I canā€™t imagine how hard it would be for a newer player to upgrade 7 troop Kingdoms like Wild Plains with out having all 7 troops at lvl 20 Mythic.

I suppose the reality is I will need 9 troops to 3 star a kingdom. Not overcome with traitstones

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I pulled Carnex a couple weeks ago. I tried him out a bit but now I donā€™t even use him when I have to do a construct task. With all his traits, I could see the value, but without, not so much.

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Heā€™s situational and, as you can see by all the replies, there are MANY situations heā€™s useful in

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True, I have a Mythic level 20 triple traited Carnex, with Mythic lvl 20 Sparkgrinder and I only use them to do Tasks. But Carnex will put out a major wallop after he gets ā€˜Upgradeā€™ cast on him. The key is to not use ā€˜Chain Reactionā€™ once youā€™ve boosted him so he has skulls to match.

Thatā€™s a lot of resources to sink into something you only use for tasks. I canā€™t speak for @Robert, but Iā€™m not at the point where I can drop 28 arcanes and I donā€™t know how many souls into a Carnex/Sparkgrinder combo for the times when I happen to get an Adana or construct task.

I have met that combo in PVP and always look carefully at construct teams before assuming it will be an easy fight nowā€¦

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Donā€™t bother for Tasks, save the resources. But, If you enjoy Constructs by all means go for it.

I do my Tasks in PvP and for me Carnex does 73 damage after a single ā€˜Upgradeā€™ Cast. I hardly ever have time to double cast ā€˜Upgradeā€™ before the match is over.

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Yeah, I try to do my tasks in PVP wherever I can, but sometimes I just canā€™t afford the investment to get a particular task team strong enough to trust in PVP. I save the challenges in new kingdoms for those situations. Iā€™ve got a workable construct team going, but it is one of my least favourite tasks when it comes around. I think Iā€™ve finally got a decent Beast lineup going.

I still remember the first time I ran into a team running Sparkgrinder with constructs. He double-upgraded a fortress gate and it was hitting me for 45 damage or something stupid. I was using a sub-optimal task team at the time and they mopped the floor with me. Lesson learned.


73 damage?

Who would you use with Carnex/Sparky? There is no room for a skull gen and Valkyrie :frowning:

Edit: I only noticed Carnexeses 3rd trait adds more damage!

Valkyrie is no good with Adana or construct teams since no one uses blue. Itā€™s one of the reasons I hate getting that task (along with: I donā€™t have the troops very levelled or traited; I canā€™t generate any synergy with those troops; and I want to choke Sparkgrinder to death every time I hear his snivelly voice).

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I must admit I have never considered team bonuses for any of my teams. Always just picked who naturally match regardless of their class/kingdom. Not the smartest I guess but I donā€™t like being restricted

Same here i would put


Are you looking to cast Sparkgrinder on Carnex or Rowanne?

I was thinking more about task teams, where Iā€™d need at least 3 from the same kingdom or troop type. For my straight PVP teams, I donā€™t often constrain myself by focusing on that, but some of the toughest defence teams I face are taking advantage of those bonuses. For example, a good Fey/Forest of Thorns team can be extremely tough to deal with. Goblins are another good example.