The Monster Mash

They usually have a reminder of which ones are added in the news, perhaps no longer?

Just got remnant from a gold chest so I assume him and corrupt sorceress have been added this week

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Yeah, finally Remnant came out so I could ascend him and continue my PL leveling. :wink:

Same, instant +1 magic for me from Darkstone :grin:

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Very nice, congrats! :smile_cat:

I imagine the news image is wrong, and the post should mention getting the Werewolf and Villager from the rewards tab of the shop. The Spooky Imp either isn’t supposed to be released this week, or is only available in some kind of chests, and there should be a separate news post informing us of that.

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I was thinking that, except both the Spooky Imp and Crimson Bat are prominently featured on the banner art. If the Imp is not available this week and the banner was meant for a future week, we’d be getting yet another Ghulvania event very soon. I guess that would be a good time to stock up keys, at least.

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well its not even in the troop list. :frowning:

To be fair, the servers they are using are being shut down by the end of the year.

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My point is that Werewolf and Villager are in the rewards shop, aren’t on the banner, and should be. And, as @kzintiwife said, Spooky Imp isn’t in the troop list. I’m guessing it’s supposed to be released later this week, possibly only in Event Chests, like how Sylvanimora, Kruarg the Dread, and DRACOS 1337 were released. The chest timer doesn’t support that theory, but obviously something went wrong. The imps are predictably unpredictable. :imp:

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and will be replaced for better servers? sure? :confused:

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Yep much better ones. Nobody will have any connection issues again except for you; your profile will be interfacing with a potato instead of a server :+1:


the glados potato

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So, one more week, still not a word about the activity log :frowning:

There has been some discussion regarding privacy in global chat, but the majority said they wanted it back.

Would love a word, even if it’s just “We decided to remove the log, and exchanged it for the last activity timer.”
At least then i would know why I am complaining xD

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Even with all the troops maxed (level and traits), it’s not possible to attain power level 8… For 5 points :slight_smile: .

Awesome! The first Transformer troop! I loved this mechanic idea when it was suggested WAAAAAY back in the days of Design-a-Troop. Glad to see it is finally in game… now… we need some MORE! :wink:

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Liberty for wolves is death to the lambs.

Really like this troop design, should be interesting.

So is Draakulis in Event chests this week?
