Streaming to illustrate console vs. PC/Mobile differences

Just to put the record a little straighter, as @eika has mentioned my view a few times: I am aware of two main differences between play on consoles and play on iOS/PC.

  1. AI decision-making: Console AI is much less predictable, both because of the bespoke controls (when they work) and also greater in-built stupidity. It can’t consistently be baited with skulls, but also misses 4s and mucks up 5s in ways that the iOS AI never would. This has pros and cons from a player perspective, but its annoying to watch.

  2. RNG and cascades: Console RNG algorithm always seems far ‘spikier’ than the iOS version. There are more, and longer, cascades and games can thus be faster but also suddenly swing for or against you: the randomness of drops almost seems less random. This can affect both the players and the AI, but obviously we only remember when it’s the AI that benefits.

Having played both versions, I do prefer the iOS/PC version. If the devs were to bring iOS into line with Consoles (with the switch to Unity code, or otherwise) my views right now would be:

  1. AI decision-making no thanks, very annoying to play against
  2. RNG and cascades don’t mind as much, personally, but know it will annoy many people

I do think (if devs are reading @Saltypatra) that the game would be more enjoyable on Consoles if the alignment went the other way and the Console versions played like the iOS one - I think that less rage would be induced and retention etc would be improved…