Nothing says ‘Spring’ quite like the Weekly Mischief Report!
Things got a lot more complicated at the studio this report due to an unwelcome early visit from this week’s event troop. Say hello, Spring Imp.
- IMP: You weren’t doing anything important anyways. The only “work” you were doing was playing Treasure Hunt and finishing with singular Traitstones.
…Good to have you aboard.
Like all imps, split damage plays it’s part like a cactus exploding. But even getting pricked will land the opposing team in the rosebush, Entangling the whole team in vines. The most frightening part is her room for growth. This imps Seedling trait increases her damage output with every green gem match.
- IMP: Now hiring Goblin Shaman’s and Green Seer’s!
But just as things grow, others wither. We’ve got a line-up of balances this week, starting with the demon of the sands, Dust Devil. Struck without magic, this troop renews his primary purpose for creation. To knock cutters to the back of the line!
- IMP: Hey, Gorgotha. Stop taking so long at checkout. You demand way too much, fatty!
Sheggra and Celestasia are two lady legendaries with rightful tweaks to their creation spells. Now the world can rest a little more easy.
Burning Scythe and Yasmine’s Chalice also got tweaked to lessen over-saturation in the Arena. I swear it was like movie theater popcorn in there!
- IMP: Have you always been this unfunny, or is this just an off week for you?
I’ll ask for opinion when you stop being such a thorn in my side! … Aaaand, she’s gone.
It seems while I turned away for a second she snuck off, must be thanks to all those Arcane Stealth Traistones she’s packing. There’s quite a few troops you can offer these stones to. If you like extra turns, Goblin and Satyr fast to offer their services. Glade Warden & Reaver are always ready to clear the board. And as a last resort, if the situation becomes real dire, there’s a wolf for that.
You all need to grow a sense of humor. Get those grouch bugs out of your pants!
#Match you next time!