Rage Against The Machine

Forest Guardian, Keeper of Souls, Sheggra, Maw, The Silent One, Aziris, Couatl, Green Seer, Lil Johnny, Night Hag, Rock Troll, Sea Troll, Apothecary, Black Beast, Desert Mantis, Dragonian Monk, Lamia, Nyx, War Sphinx, Bastite Priestess, Cockatrice, Deck Hand, Dust Devil, Elven Bard, Soothsayer, Frostling, Giant Toadstool, Khopeshi, Ogre, Peasant, Penitent, Sand Cobra, Snowy Owl, War Goat

However, none of their spells scale with Magic either. (And the majority don’t do damage either, like the gem transformers etc)

On the Tesla to Mythic debate, it is worth at least noting that she does gain 3 armor from her ascension to mythic (1 from Ascending and one 2 from level). Which is almost +1 point of damage…