PSA regarding saved up keys and 2.0

Further PSA:

Slynthia: The first Mythic troop WON’T be in a chest after 2.0 goes live
Slynthia: unless that’s changed
Piros: Sirrian said otherwise a few hours ago
Annaerith: Sirrian said today they mythic eill be out instantly wkth patch
Slynthia: (If Sirrian is still here he can confirm/deny that)
Piros: in global
Sirrian: Mythic WILL actually be in when 2.0 goes live

EDIT: More Details(apologies for poor image, conversation was spread over multiple lines, so I edited it to make it a smaller, easier read)

Sirrian: We weren’t sure when we made the video
Slynthia: yeah that’s fair
Sirrian: But we decided to push it live since it’s pretty cool
Crippl: Willl that one be available via glory or only gems?
Sirrian: glory or gems
Sirrian: A very low change in the glory chest though