PS4 Guild ,,Santa´s big Gifts,, Rank 1 recruite

so you willingly have retired from the guild and from the game 9 months ago and now you have the nerve to want it back? you sir, are an idiot! basically @PHR33KP0W4 led the the guild more than you. meanwhile the game has changed a lot and probably now you’re too weak to be in the #1 with outdated cards, no mythics and lack of resources. be proud you’re the founder but nobody owns a guild for life if he retires.

stop making a fool of yourself and move on! bye!

They changed their name! So what aren’t you guys in guild wars this week?

I recognise a great idea when I see it. Somebody suggested to change our name. So said and done. Ticket on friday and new name on monday.

No more Santa’s big gifts. Top guild now is RISIN’PHREEKz

Big thanks to everybody in this thread for support and inspiration. :heart_eyes:

So no guild wars this week?

We are registered under our new name for Guild Wars this week.

Ok, it was early when I logged on this morning, I didn’t think I saw it in there.

The new leaders and they’re brand destruction.
What a stupid idea to change a name which everyone knows.
It’s like sb says: do you know that guild: silver freaks or sth. ?
Ugh. … nemesis heard from that :smiley:


Sounds like a 13 year old school lad came up with that name, it’s bloody terrible. Like a COD obsessed teen with loads of unnecessary z’s In his gamertag /psn id
Sorry guys but surely you have more imagination and thought than that?!!
I’m just gutted we can’t call you Santa’s big ball sack in our typically affectionate manner anymore, oh well. That was fun whilst it lasted!
Good luck in guild wars phr33kkkpowerzzzzz or whatever it is now.


Are you dissing our name?It was Dally’s, wtf is that?Brain fart,btw I am the founder and leader.Thanks.

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Now this IS proper guild wars!

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And yeah, the new name is abysmal :smiley:


Yeah, and this is precisely why I don’t fancy being #1 overall. If my guild makes it into the top 100, fantastic, top 50 eventually, even better. All this though? Drama central? No thanks.

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Thank god I’m not the only one who thought that new guild name was terrible. If I hadn’t ever seen someone trying to stroke their own ego so much…


@Saltypatra please close down this thread as the guild name has changed. If recruitment is needed a new post will be created.

I look forward to reading phreeekzzzzguildsnip3r5 looking for new members.


“Please remove the thread, people are making fun of us”
Looooooooooooooooooooooooool :joy::joy::joy:


How did you get everyone to agree to the new name?


lol rofl lmao
This post sums up my exact thoughts.

I am in the guild right below them on PS4: Silver Storm.
I cannot stop laughing at the drama or the ridiculously dumb name.

The name is so dumb that I honestly can imagine the dev who changed it snickering as he changed it.

P.S. To the person calling the original leader ungrateful. She didn’t ask to be the leader again. He offered to take her back ANYTIME she wanted inside this topic. She asked to come back in the guild a few weeks later and was told she wasn’t good enough.


My dog walked across my laptop and actually typed a better name than that!


I just cant imagine anyone in that guild liking that name beyond the guild leader.
I cant wait to see it change and the hilarity that will ensue as we all know the dog tucked its tail in between its legs and whined in the corner.

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