PC/Mobile: 3.1 Patch Notes

I just realized the best part of this update after spending like 20,000 glory, 3000 glory keys, gems for around 200 VIP chests, and around 400 gem keys to try for the mythic (No success)…one click ascend how did they not mention this. Just click left instead of right and you can sacrifice all extra troops for ascension. Or am I an idiot and they already had it lol.


They already had it. :smiley:


How did I miss that ugh… click click click click

PC got it with the previous update when they moved to Unity. Console has had it since day one (almost 2 years now).

FYI, an undocumented change.

Gems have been removed from LTs, at least for now.


9 of last 13 matches have been against justice league…on android. So glad you brought the plague here devs. (3 trophy matches)

Havent heard any other complaining about justice league than you. Two straight days in a row now…soon three days…

Hahaha yeah right eika. You posted in the very topic where a guy showed it being ridiculous.

Quit being so trolly

Haha, are you calling me a troll?


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Yes…following someones posts constantly saying the same thing over and over when your lying and know you are…is trolling.

Every topic here has had someone expressing displeasure with it. Yet you keep lying and saying its not. Your a troll. Period.

You dont like someone voicing displeasure …yet your allowed to say whatever you want.

Quit being a troll

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If you have issues with someone please take it to PMs. This topic is specifically for discussing the patch notes.

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Sorry to disappoint you brudda, but I am not a troll.
I am doing the same as you are doing, repeating myself.
Only that I am giving your facts. You are the only one complaining
on these boards right now about the Justice League.



Which is what im doing. Hes the one who keeps coming in my posts whining about what i dont like from the patch

Will we ever be able to craft old weapons? Fire and Ice must I get.


Nah, Salibu is onto something. I have noticed a sharp uptick in Justice/Mab based teams in Guild Wars over the last couple of days. This may just be observer bias, of course, or small sample sizes.

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I’ve seen them more frequently than before. If they end up dominating the meta, that’ll be unfortunate, but I don’t mind them showing up at the current rate – even if that means I suffer an occasional loss.

Wisp x 2, Giant Spider, Queen Mab is actually more annoying in my experience.


So this is clearly not a good news for console players, we been stuck with this several Months and it look like we wont get rid of it, that really suck

I’m still not sure this is the case. Wait to see when you get the new AI. It might be mitigated somewhat, and if Justice League becomes “decent, but not overwhelmingly out of control” in its cascades then you might still be in better shape than you currently are.

Then again, maybe not. I don’t know how bad you have it – maybe the promised mitigations don’t help against your meta after all :frowning:

The problem is we won’t get the new AI cause we already got it

Yes, but they did say that they’ve tweaked things, including the change to generators whereby the two colors can overwrite. That should in theory reduce the amount of looping that Justice can do.