Other teams that need synergy vs. Goblins

I’ll keep the train rolling:

Blighted Lands would be cooler if it worked around the disease mechanic more, as the name lends itself to. Right now it’s all over the place between Burn, Disease, Deathmark, and Poison such that it makes synergy hard to come by. Basically only 2 troops at a time end up having any synergy bc it’s got so many different effects so streamlining would make it much more viable.

Venbarak’s % on its spell could be improved to make him something of a linchpin. Quasit, Hellhound, & Infernal could inflict disease with skull damage. Twisted Hero and Herald could do double damage against diseased. Hellhound could burn and disease. Succubus could disease. And Herald, Ven, or Hellhound’s spell could do double damage against diseased so spell damage is a viable option against all the Stone/Granite skin.

Additionally it would be much better if Twisted Hero, Venbarak, and/or Hellhound were Daemons so you could get better troop bonuses (and some first traits reworked to accompany). Also wouldn’t hurt if mana colors were changed slightly so there’s less concentration of Purple. If anything, it should lean Red to synergize with Infernal.

Some/All of that and you’d have an interesting team built around slowing down the enemy’s mana creation while also punishing them for not cleansing it quickly. Wouldn’t be the strongest imaginable but would be a neat option that I’m sure some people would enjoy. And would certainly be a big improvement on its current state since I only ever see Infernal in use (thanks to the strong synergy with Sheggra).