Nimhain's Lair: June 12th

also, see Star Trek (original series) ep where not only does silicon based life regenerate, it breeds. (The Devil in the Dark)


Oh, you want non-fictional proof of Rock regeneration? Here ya go:


That’s unequivocal proof indeed.

Loss of hair → gain in bulk.

That’s not strictly true. But it has been probably the worst legendary ever made and been that way a long time…

+1 to this. Hell, many of us here could (and have been) giving them simpler ideas…

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Oh so there was a point you used Garnok in some of your strong teams?

No… but he wasn’t there at the beginning of the game, Grosh-Nak kingdom was only added many months down the line…


Hmm i thought that Grosh was one of initial kingdoms.
Still does that change that garnok is the least used legendary since its release? No. And that has been an issue for 2 years.
It’s great that devs will rework him. And the rest of quite useless groshnak gang.
But we really need changes to troops faster. Remember how we did a whole topic on all the changes troops need? Thats a nice indicator that, sadly l, at least 80% of troops needs some rework, from adjusting certain stupid traits - like the joke of bond traits, to spell reworks.
And let’s also remind how utterly useless poison and burn have become.


Imagine getting garnok as your legendary in the path bundles. That would suck so much.


I actually am trying to make a team with Gar’nok. This will be a headache

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To be clear @donboba - I fully agree, was just being pedantic.

Gar’nok’s release came at an unfortunate point of time… back in those days (of no ascensions, no traits, and lower-level caps - I think it was 15 at the time), the power of the troops scaled quite differently, and different effects were valued highly.

Poor Gar’Nok kind of ended up near the end of that phase of the game, just as the power curve kind of took off and went ballistic, and he wasn’t designed in a way that moved well with that. He was also a bit of a failed experiment even within the old meta, of a risk/reward troop… something that has never been terribly popular in Gems of War.

So, he’s been slated for a rework for quite a while along with ALL the Orcs (due to their unfortunate timing, the whole kingdom ended up well below the power curve). Their Kingdom was never themed terribly well anyway. Good news is that I’ve seen the planned rework… it’s SUPER cool, and gives the Orcs a TON of flavor. It’ll be making an appearance during the next Grosh-Nak event (very soon) but I’ll leave the details for Nimhain in another Lair post!


Yes it seems quite nice from what I saw ;-).

But are you not worried about players claiming that their prefered race should also have a specific “flavor”?
Or in the long term all theraces will be special?

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yay only 2 weeks away.

I know that Garnok is first legendary troops i got (my second, first being Jarl). Those happend when i was bellow level 100. And while i played the hell out of jarl, i never used Garnok. Not only that, but summoners were top troops back then, so i did use summoners, but just not Garnok.

And like @turintuor it is nice if every class has its thing. Goblins have extra turn - which is an awesome thing about them. Goblin King should also be granted the extra turn tho :slight_smile:


Too fat, just look at the picture. That Goblin Feast would actually warrant a turn penalty. :wink:


@Nimhain any plan to nerf Justice?? Really boring to play this team over and over. The fact she is looping during 20 turns is very frustrating, even when you try to freeze this team with mab, she will almost alway try to freeze mab this is ridiculous. This team is beatable but the most boring team ever, everyone using it and it’s killing the game.

Yeah pc will say there is no problem with her, very easy to beat bla bla bla but wait when you guys get the console AI.

Imo 15 gems is to much it should be reduce to 10 so it wont always looping over and
Over untill they get 160 att and then get lucky skull in cascade and kill everyone

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This is all I get in guild wars is
I wish I could fight a kerbos or death knight, and the suprise cascades from a 4 up top gets me every time, but you can’t rage when it’s guild wars. So I just walk away.

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I don’t know what you’re talking about. I get a pretty good variety in GW:
Khorvash, Valk, Justice, Mab
Kraken, Valk, Justice, Mab
Behemoth, Valk, Justice, Mab
Sylvanimora, Valk, Justice, Mab
Snow Guardian, Valk, Justice, Mab


Lmao, very true, I look at half my own guilds defense and that is all they use too, something has gotta give. I don’t put that defense up tho.

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Two weeks with us out of bracket 2, has it got any better for you guys in crimson sky?

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