Looking for a high level relaxed guild? Join the Breakfast Club! 1 slot open

I have now left my guild.

Don’t forget me, I’m guildless without you :cry:

Sorry for the delay frank I am at work and can only check the forum every few hours … your invite has been sent

I’m a “new-ish” player, but I’m interested!

I started playing about 3 weeks ago, I’m level 74. I go for tier 1 in PVP every week, so that’s around 100 trophies each week, and the rest of my time is spent on finishing all the quests and getting my kingdoms to level 10.

I won’t give much gold as long as my kingdoms aren’t all at level 10, but I’ll get around 100 trophies and 1500 seals each week.

My invite code: YOUDZ

Yeah Xuthas. I forgot to left the other guild! sorry!
I ll wait for the invite.

Youdz Would love to have you in the guild … you need to leave the current guild your in 1st then I can send you an invite

Sorry, I forgot. I just left my guild, you should be good.

By the way, I’m already at 1300 seals obtained this week, so I’m not going to contribute much until Monday… I hope that’s fine.

YOUDZ, sent you the invite … don’t worry about the seals I never look at a new members stats the first week they join. Just play lots and contribute what you can.

Hey xuthas
I ve been reach by another guild. Thanks anyway!
Best of luck!
Xuthas http://community.gemsofwar.com/users/xuthas
December 1

Sorry for the delayed response racanepa, would you still like to my Guild.
If so leave your currant guild and I will send you an invite.

Hi Xuthas.

I would like to join:
Playtime: usually 6h / day.
Level: 115.
Passion: love this game and having fun! =)
Invite code: vicious_5
Looking forward joining your guild.

hi, is there still space in your guild ? im level 460 and id like to join you, my invite code is : PARNACIUS thank you so much for your answer.

Would love to have both in the guild … but you have to leave your current guilds.

I’d like to join if you’ve still got a slot. SKITTISH SLOTH. Pretty new and never really done the guild thing in any games before, so no real clue what I’m getting into.

SKITTISH SLOTH, sent you an invite … the guild is very relaxed the only responsibility you’ll have it to play lots :slight_smile:

Sweet! Got it, and already started adding some seals :slight_smile: What’s the breakdown for those “tiers” you mentioned in the first post? Is it by levels or…?

Level 94 active player, ELIZABETH_39

Invite sent … welcome to the guild!

hi, can i join your team please ? i am level 460 and i am nice thank you. invite code PARNACIUS

Parnacius, you would be welcome I t the guild … let me know when you have left your current guild and I will sent you and invite.

Hi, i am lvl 100 and would like to join if possible, inv code is KYRSAS, ty