List of Russian translation mistakes

part one here

Air Spirit / Дух Солнца
Literally means Spirit of the Sun. So better call it Воздушный дух (Air) or Солнечный дух (Solar), depending on what you choose for Air Link/Brand/Heart/Aura translations.
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. магии за каждого желтого союзника.

Nature Spirit / Дух природы
The name in inconsistent and sounds awkward. Better call it Лесной дух, just make sure it fits with Nature Link/Brand/Heart/Aura translations.
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. магии за каждого зеленого союзника.

Barkskin / Дубовая кожа
The name is fine.
The description could be less confusing, like:
Снижает полученный урон от черепов на 33%.

Jinx / Дурной глаз
The name is fine.
The description is unclear because of the fail translating the “gem mastery” term. Better and much clearer would be to call it мастерство маны. So the trait description would be:
Снижает вражеское мастерство маны наполовину.

And it would be nice to implement this translation in other places where we encounter gem mastery-related things. But I will get to that when I get to that so I’ll remind you about this again later.

Virtue of Honor / Добродетель чести
The name is fine.
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 10 ед. ко всем параметрам в PvP битвах.

Virtue of Humility / Добродетель (скромности)
The trait name is wrong because the troop’s name is very awkward and unfitting. Better translate Humility as Смирение, it’s much more precise. So the trait name would be Добродетель смирения.
The description is totally misleading (and inconsistent on top of that). Right now it say “when hero gets damaged”. This is wrong! It should be:
Все союзники получают по 2 ед. брони и магии, когда мне наносят урон.

Virtue of Sacrifice / Добродетель самопожертвования
The name of the trait surprisingly works fine (despite the troop’s name being very, very wrong but I will get to that later) so no need to change the trait’s name.
The description is inconsistent tho.
Все союзники получают по 2 ед. атаки и магии, когда союзник умирает.

Virtue of Courage / Добродетель (мужества)
The name of the trait is unfortunate because the troop name is unfortunate. The translation isn’t wrong; it’s just that I object to the word Мужество in general. In Russian it means “manly courage”, “fine qualities that are inherently male”. Sure you can “compliment” a woman using that word but then it would mean how much she’s similar to men in that regard, unlike other women who are feminine (and cowardly). There is another, non-gendered word for courage: Смелость. Please use that word instead.
So the trait name would be Добродетель смелости.
The description is very awkward, too. Better say:
Все союзники получают по 2 ед. атаки и жизни при сборе черепов.

Virtue of Loyalty / Добродетель (верности)
The name of the trait is unfortunate because the troop name is imprecise. Верность is something you say mostly to refer to fidelity. Loyalty is Преданность. So the trait name would be Добродетель преданности.
The description is inconsistent.
Все союзники получают по 2 ед. брони и жизни, когда союзник читает заклинание.

Dragon Bond / (Драконья связь)
The name is inconsistent. Better call it Связь драконов.
The description is correct but for the sake of continuity:
Драконы-союзники получают по 2 ед. жизни.

Dragon Boon / (Драконий дар)
The name is fine, sorta, but oh well. It isn’t wrong and it kinda makes sense if you squint.
The description could be worded less awkwardly:
25% шанс призвать Драконетту в момент смерти.

Goblord / (Гоб-лидер)
The trait name is a bit confusing because лидер (leader) is a word that indicates the first position. The more precise and clear translation would be Гоб-лорд
The description is unclear as well. Better say:
Прибавляет себе 20 ед. жизни, находясь на последней позиции.

Dwarf Bond / (Гномья связь)
The name is inconsistent and sounds very awkward. Better call it Связь гномов.
The description is correct but for the sake of continuity:
Гномы-союзники получают по 2 ед. жизни.

Granite skin / Гранитная кожа
The name is fine.
The description could be less confusing, like:
Снижает полученный урон от черепов на 75%.

Pillage and Plunder / Грабеж и разбой
The name is fine.
The description could be a bit less confusing, like:
Добывает по 20 золотых при сборе 4 и 5 камней.

Seedling / Всходы
The name is fine.
The description could be clearer, like:
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. магии при сборе зеленых камней.

And somehow the bug that wouldn’t let me click though the entire list of traits going only forward (or only backwards) had fixed itself just as I’ve come full circle. LOL.

Coming up next Troop names, spells, and side text.

@Sirrian how would be more convenient for you guys if I went over all the troops’ names/side text in one post and then over their spells in another? Or if I moved from troop to troop covering their spells and names in one place?