List of Russian translation mistakes

@Sirrian I’ve updated a lot of things about traits from my original post so if you have already passed it on to the translator, please give them this post as well! It is much more thoughtful than the previous version.

So. Here is EVERYTHING trait-related in one place,


Amor Piercing / Бронебойность
The name is fine. The description could be worded less awkwardly, like:
50% шанс игнорировать броню при нанесении урона черепами.

Armored / Броня крепка
The name is fine. The description could be less confusing, like:
Снижает полученный урон от черепов на 25%.

Immortality / Бессмертие
The name is fine. The description could be less awkward, like:
25% шанс возродиться после смерти.

Frenzy / Бешенство
The name is fine. The description could be less wrong, like:
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. атаки при каждом ранении.

Divine Slayer / (Богоборец)
The name is correct and I like it a lot but for consistency’s sake and for the sorting convenience it might be better to call this trait Истребитель Божеств
The description is awkward. Better say:
Наносит божествам двойной урон черепами.

Divine Bond / (Божественная связь)
The name is okay but for continuity and for sorting convenience better call it Связь божеств.
The description is correct.

Divine Right / Божественное право
The name is fine. The description could be less wrong, like:
Прибавляет себе по 4 ед. брони, когда союзник читает заклинание.

Divine Shield / (Божественный щит)
The name is okay but for continuity and for sorting convenience better call it Щит божеств.
The description is correct.

Virulence / Болезнетворность
The name is fine. The description is fine also but for the sake of continuity better say it like:
Наносит зараженным врагам двойной урон черепами.

Boo! / Бу!
The name is fine. The wording of the description could be less wrong, like:
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. магии при сборе фиолетовых камней.

Artema’s Dexterous / (Быстрота)
The name is incorrect. Better translate it as Расторопность. Быстрота (fastness, speed) is kinda not what her trait means.
The description is worded awkwardly. Better say:
40% шанс избежать урона от удара черепами.

Tauros Bond / (Бычья связь)
The name sounds very awkward. Better call it Связь быков.
The description is correct but for the sake of continuity:
Быки-союзники получают по 2 ед. жизни.

Grudge / Вражда
The name is acceptable. The description could be less wrong, like:
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. атаки, когда враг читает заклинание.

Shatter / Вдребезги
The name is fine. The description is fine also but for the sake of continuity better say it like:
Наносит замороженным врагам двойной урон черепами.

True Shot / Верный глаз
The name is fine. The description could be less awkward, like:
75% шанс игнорировать броню при нанесении урона черепами.

Loyal Mount / Верный скакун
The name is fine. The description says Ancient Horror instead of Drake for some reason. Also it’s worded awkwardly. Better say it like:
100% шанс призвать Дрейка в момент смерти.

Giant Bond / (Великанья связь)
The name sounds very awkward. Better call it Связь великанов.
the description is correct but for the sake of continuity:
Великаны-союзники получают по 2 ед. жизни.

Pharos’s Necromaster / (Властелин-мертвец)
The trait’s name makes no sense. It’s far better and clearer to just translate it directly as Некромастер.
The description is fine. One of those rare cases where the word “дает” can work and doesn’t impair understanding of what the trait really means.

Water Brand / (Водяная) печать
The name is unfortunate. Better say Водная печать. Yes, there is a big difference!
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. атаки за каждого синего союзника.

Water Link / (Водяная) связь
The name is unfortunate. Better say Водная связь.
The description is fine, for a change.

Water Heart / (Водяное) сердце
The name is unfortunate. Better say Водное сердце.
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. жизни за каждого синего союзника.

Water Spirit / (Водяной) дух
The name is unfortunate. Better say Водный дух.
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. магии за каждого синего союзника.

Pack Master / Вожак стаи
The name is fine. The description is awkward.
25% шанс призвать Лютоволка в момент смерти.

Aflame / (Возгорание)
The name is incorrect. Возгорание suggests that the troop sets fire to itself. Better call it Поджог (setting fire to something else).
The description could be less awkward and more consistent like:
Поджигает врагов при нанесении урона черепами.

The bug with the filter where I can’t click the right arrow all the way through persists. This is where my trait list ends going forward. Now clicking backwards.

Elf Bond / (Эльфийская связь)
The name is okay but for continuity and for sorting convenience better call it Связь эльфов.
The description is correct but, again, for the sake of continuity:
Эльфы-союзники получают по 2 ед. жизни.

Elemental Shield / Щит элементалей
The name is fine; the description is correct but for the sake of continuity:
Элементали-союзники получают по 2 ед. брони.

Fey Shield / Щит фей
The name is fine; the description is correct but for the sake of continuity:
Феи-союзники получают по 2 ед. брони.

Stryx Shield / Щит стриксов
The name is fine; the description is correct but for the sake of continuity:
Стриксы-союзники получают по 2 ед. брони.

Wargare Shield / Щит (оборотней)
The name is wrong because the troop type is translated incorrectly. Not оборотень. The word is волколак. So the trait name would be Щит волколаков.
The description is correct except for the troop type, again. Also for the sake of continuity better word it like:
Волколаки-союзники получают по 2 ед. брони.

Undead Shield / Щит нежити
The name is fine; the description is correct but for the sake of continuity:
Нежить-союзники получают по 2 ед. брони.

Naga Shield / Щит наг
The name is fine; the description is correct but for the sake of continuity:
Наги-союзники получают по 2 ед. брони.

Mana Shield / (Щит маны)
The name sounds awkward. Защита маны is better in this case.
The description is fine.

Strom Shield / (Щит бури)
The name sounds awkward. Барьер бури would be better for this trait.
The description is fine.

Spiked Armor / Шипастый доспех
The name is fine. The description is leading to believe that Carnex himself will get more damage from skulls (rather than that he adds armor to the skull damage that he deals) so better word it like:
При ударе черепами добавляет к наносимому урону 25% показателя брони.

Forest Guardian’s Lord of Beasts / (Царь) зверей.
The name is not incorrect in its meaning but rather misleading in a cultural way. In Russian the expression “Царь зверей” is used to refer exclusively to lions. So seeing a trait with such name on Forest Guardian (who is a stag) feels off. Better call this trait Повелитель зверей.
The description is fine.

Chill / Холодок
The name is fine. The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. магии при сборе синих камней.

Frozen Soul / Холодная душа
The name is fine. The description is leading to believe that Bone Dragon freezes all enemies when getting hit by skulls. So better say:
Замораживает врага, когда тот наносит мне урон черепами.

Life Drain / (Утечка жизни)
The name kinda sounds like the trait does the opposite of what it does. Call it Похититель жизни (life drainer). That’ll work.
The description is unclear yet again.
Прибавляет себе по 4 ед. жизни, когда враг умирает.

Empowered / (Усиление)
The name suggests that the trait has something to do with armor. It’s confusing. Better call it Преимущество (advantage) because this is what this trait gives. (And if you were aiming for the human rights analogy, well, no luck, in Russian there is no concept of empowerment in that context. None that would fit here anyway).
The description is a bit unfortunate. For continuity’s sake better just say:
Начинает сражение с полной маной.

Elf Slayer / (Убийца) эльфов
For consistency’s sake better use the word Истребитель than Убийца. Also it sounds better!
Then the trait name would be Истребитель эльфов.
The description is fine.

Monster Slayer / (Убийца) монстров
For consistency’s sake better use the word Истребитель than Убийца. Also it sounds better!
Then the trait name would be Истребитель монстров.
The description is fine.

Mystic Slayer / (Убийца) мистиков
For consistency’s sake better use the word Истребитель than Убийца. Also it sounds better!
Then the trait name would be Истребитель мистиков.
The description is fine.

Human Slayer / (Убийца) людей
For consistency’s sake better use the word Истребитель than Убийца. Also it sounds better!
Then the trait name would be Истребитель людей.
The description is fine.

Construct Slayer / (Убийца концептов)
The name is wrong because the troop type is translated incorrectly. Концепт makes zero sense as a troop type. Better call this type Конструкт.
Also for consistency’s sake better use the word Истребитель than Убийца. Also it sounds better!
Then the trait name would be Истребитель конструктов.
And the description (worded less awkwardly, too) would be:
Наносит конструктам двойной урон черепами.

Centaur Slayer / (Убийца) кентавров
For consistency’s sake better use the word Истребитель than Убийца. Also it sounds better!
Then the trait name would be Истребитель кентавров.
The description is fine.

Goblin Slayer / (Убийца) гоблинов
For consistency’s sake better use the word Истребитель than Убийца. Also it sounds better!
Then the trait name would be Истребитель гоблинов.
The description is fine.

Dwarf Slayer / (Убийца) гномов
For consistency’s sake better use the word Истребитель than Убийца. Also it sounds better!
Then the trait name would be Истребитель гномов.
The description is fine.

Knight Slayer / (Убийца) рыцарей
For consistency’s sake better use the word Истребитель than Убийца. Also it sounds better!
Then the trait name would be Истребитель рыцарей.
The description is fine.

Alert / (Тревога)
Тревога (alarm) is a wrong word for it. Better call it Бдительность (alertness) although is would fit badly with the trait’s effect, in Russian even more so than in English. Maybe it makes sense to call this trait Оратор (orator, speaker; as in it’s hard to shush this unit up).
The description is fine.

Darkness / (Темнота)
The name is not wrong just very meh. There is a more expressive word for it: Тьма.
The description is fine.

Nature Pact / Союз с природой
The name is fine. The description could be less awkward.
25% шанс призвать Дриаду в момент смерти.

Compassion / Сострадание
The English name is weird and the Russian one is just a direct translation so I guess it’s fine.
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. магии при сборе красных камней.

Sunshine / (Солнечный свет)
The name is meh. Not wrong per se, just bland and bleak. Now Сияние Солнца sounds much better!
The description is unclear again.
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. магии при сборе желтых камней.

Wind Aura / (Солнечная) аура.
The literal translation of the name would be Ветряная аура. Instead it says Solar Aura. I guess it’s because the yellow color gets referred as “wind” in some cases and as “sun” in others (see Sunshine). So I guess both of those would work. Or Воздушная аура (air). Just make sure it runs in the same vein as other yellow elemental traits such as Air Link/Heart/Brand/Spirit.
The description is fine.

Sekhma’s Sun’s Glory / Слава Солнца
The name is conflicting with the traits effect both in English and in Russian (which is a direct, and correct, translation). Previously all the Sun references were reserved for yellow gems and here it has to do with reds. Weird. And confusing. In both languages.
But anyway, the description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 2 ед. магии при сборе красных камней.

Fast / (Скорость)
The name is confusing and it’s better to translate it as Быстрота (fastness). That also makes much more sense than calling Artema’s Dexterous by this word.
The description is fine.

Stealthy / Скрытность
The name is fine. The description is confusing. Better clear it up like:
Враг не может прицелиться в меня заклинанием (покуда имеются другие цели).

Web / (Сеть)
The name is wrong. Сеть means “net”. The word you’re looking for is Паутина (web).
The description is awkward. Better say:
Оплетает врагов паутиной при нанесении урона черепами.

Air Heart / (Сердце солнца)
The Russian name says “Heart of Sun”. Again the sun/wind/air confusion. The direct translation would be Воздушное сердце. Or if you do want to go with the Sun theme call it Солнечное сердце (Solar) for continuity and for sorting convenience. As long as in the same vein as the Air Link/Spirit/Brand.
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. жизни за каждого желтого союзника.

Nature Heart / (Сердце природы)
The name sounds awkward. Лесное сердце is better.
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. жизни за каждого зеленого союзника.

Fire Heart / (Сердце огня)
The name is not wrong but for continuity and for sorting convenience better call it Огненное сердце.
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. жизни за каждого красного союзника.

Magic Heart / (Сердце магии)
The name sounds awkward. Also for continuity and for sorting convenience better call it Магическое сердце.
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. жизни за каждого фиолетового союзника.

Holy Armor / Святая броня
The name is fine. The description could be less confusing, like:
Снижает полученный урон от черепов на 40%.

Elemental Bond / Связь элементалей
The name is fine; the description is correct but for the sake of continuity:
Эльфы-союзники получают по 2 ед. жизни.

Fey Bond / Связь фей
The name is fine; the description is correct but for the sake of continuity:
Феи-союзники получают по 2 ед. жизни.

Stryx Bond / Связь стриксов
The name is fine; the description is correct but for the sake of continuity:
Стриксы-союзники получают по 2 ед. жизни.

Air Link / (Связь солнца)
The Russian name says Link of the Sun. The direct translation would be Воздушная связь. Or if you do want to go with the Sun theme call it Солнечная связь (Solar) as long as it fits with the Air Heart/Spirit/Brand.
The description is correct but inconsistent with the others of such kind. Better say:
Дает дополнительную желтую ману при сборе желтых камней.

Wargare bond / Связь (оборотней)
The name is wrong because the troop type is translated incorrectly. Again, not оборотень. The word is волколак. So the trait name would be Связь волколаков.
The description is correct except for the troop type, again. Also for the sake of continuity better word it like:
Волколаки-союзники получают по 2 ед. жизни.

Undead Bond / Связь нежити
The name is fine; the description is correct but for the sake of continuity:
Нежить-союзники получают по 2 ед. жизни.

Naga Bond / Связь наг
The name is fine; the description is correct but for the sake of continuity:
Наги-союзники получают по 2 ед. жизни.

Monster Bond / Связь монстров
The name is fine; the description is correct but for the sake of continuity:
Монстры-союзники получают по 2 ед. жизни.

Merfolk Bond / Связь (морских жителей)
The trait’s name is fine; tho the troop type is… not wrong but awkward. Better call merfolk Морской народ then the trait name would be Связь морского народа.
The description would be:
Союзники из морского народа получают по 2 ед. жизни.

Mystic Bond / Связь мистиков
The name is fine; the description is correct but for the sake of continuity:
Мистики-союзники получают по 2 ед. жизни.

Mech Bond / Связь механизмов
The name is fine; the description is correct but for the sake of continuity:
Механизмы-союзники получают по 2 ед. жизни.

Human Bond / Связь людей
The name is fine; the description is correct but for the sake of continuity:
Люди-союзники получают по 2 ед. жизни.

Construct Bond / Связь (концептов)
The trait’s name wrong because the troop type is called incorrectly. Better call it Конструкт then the trait name would be Связь конструктов.
The description would be:
Союзники-конструкты получают по 2 ед. жизни.

Wildfolk Bond / Связь дикого народца
The name is fine; the description is correct but for the sake of continuity:
Союзники из дикого народца получают по 2 ед. жизни.

Goblin Bond / Связь гоблинов
The name is fine; the description is correct but for the sake of continuity:
Гоблины-союзники получают по 2 ед. жизни.

Raksha Bond / Связь ракшей
The name is fine; the description is correct but for the sake of continuity:
Ракши-союзники получают по 2 ед. жизни.

Rogue Bond / Связь разбойников
The name is fine; the description is correct but for the sake of continuity:
Разбойники-союзники получают по 2 ед. жизни.

Knight Shield / (Рыцарский щит)
The name is not wrong but for continuity and sorting convenience better call it Щит рыцарей.
The description is correct but for the sake of continuity:
Рыцари-союзники получают по 2 ед. брони.

Knight Bond / (Рыцарская связь)
The name is not wrong but awkward. Better call it Связь рыцарей (for continuity and sorting convenience as well).
The description is correct but for the sake of continuity:
Рыцари-союзники получают по 2 ед. жизни.

Big / Рост
The name is fine.
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. жизни при сборе 4 и 5 камней.

Troll Regeneration / Регенерация троллей
The name is fine.
The description is inconsistent. Better say:
Возвращает по 3 ед. жизни в начале каждого хода.

Raging Bull / Разъяренный бык
The name is fine.
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 2 ед. атаки, брони и жизни при сборе красных камней.

Spawn / (Размножение)
The name is kinda misleading. Размножение means reproduction and еhat trait would be more precisely called Потомство (spawn).
The description could be worded more smoothly, too.
**25% шанс призвать Дракончика в момент смерти **.
(Notice that I’ve also changed the awkward troop name of Малыш-дракон to a cute Дракончик. It means baby dragon as well but in one word.)

Clobber / Разгром
The name is fine.
The description is inconsistent and awkward. Better say:
Наносит оглушенным врагам двойной урон черепами.

General / Полководец
The name is fine.
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 3 ед. ко всем параметрам, находясь на последней позиции.

Conflagration / Пожарище
The name is fine.
The description is inconsistent and awkward.
Поджигает всех врагов при сборе 4 и 5 камней.

Inscribed / (Подключение)
The name makes zero sense no matter how you look at it. While there is no sensible direct translation here the best word for what this trait does is “Бронирование” (getting armored up).
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. брони, когда враг читает заклинание.

Absorb Power / Поглощение силы
The name is fine.
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 3 ед. магии, когда враг читает заклинание.

Tangle / (Плетение)
The name is wrong. Плетение is used mostly to mean braiding or tatting. A better word for this is Путы (a noun that means anything that can entangle something).
The description is fine.

Sheggra’s Molten / (Плавление)
The name sounds extremely awkward and out of place. In this context it would be better to call this trait Раскаленная (red hot).
The description is fine.

Fire Brand / (Печать огня)
The name is not incorrect but for continuity and for sorting convenience better call it Огненная печать.
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. атаки за каждого красного союзника.

First Wargare / Первый (оборотень)
The name is wrong because the troop type is translated incorrectly. Again, not оборотень. The word is волколак. So the trait name would be Первый волколак.
The description is correct except for the troop type, again. Also for the sake of continuity better word it like:
Волколаки-союзники получают по 5 ед. атаки и магии.

Daemonic Pact / Пакт демонов
The name is extremely awkward. And wrong. It says Pact of daemons but this trait is not exclusive to daemons. So much better to call it Демонический пакт (daemonic pact) because that’s how it’s called.
The description is awkward as well. Better say:
25% шанс призвать Древний Ужас в момент смерти.

Stalker / (Проводник)
The name is SOOOOO wrong I have no words to express how wrong it is. Проводник is a guide, someone who shows you the right way! The word you’re looking for is Ловчий (a hunter/predator that catches prey by entrapping).
The description is acceptable but inconsistent so better say:
Наносит врагам в паутине двойной урон черепами.

Abhorath’s Sacrifice / (Принести в жертву)
The trait’s name is correct but worded awkwardly. Just call it Жертвоприношение why not? Same meaning just in one word.
The description can use a bit of clarification to indicate that Abh increases his own stats, not someone else’s (also continuity):
Увеличивает себе все параметры на 3 ед., когда враг умирает.

Gate Guardian / Привратник
The name is fine.
The description can be worded less awkwardly:
50% шанс призвать Варга, когда враг умирает.

Nature Link / (Природная) связь
The name sounds a bit awkward. Better say Лесная связь. Also make sure it fits with the Nature Heart/Spirit/Brand traits.
The description is correct but inconsistent.
Дает дополнительную зеленую ману при сборе зеленых камней.

Nature Brand / (Природная) печать
The name sounds a bit awkward. Better say Лесная печать. Also make sure it fits with the Nature Heart/Spirit/Link/Aura traits.
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. атаки за каждого зеленого союзника.

Nature Aura / (Природная) аура
The name sounds a bit awkward. Better say Лесная аура. Also make sure it fits with the Nature Heart/Spirit/Link/Brand traits.
The description is fine.

Siphon / (Отток)
The name is… unclear. Отсос while a bit of an innuendo (well, not really, only if you think long and hard about it) is much much more precise. Or I’ve just thought of an innuendo-free version - Откачка. Means basically the same thing so mb it’s best to use this word.
The description is fine.

Fall / Осень
The name is fine.
The description is unclear again.
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. магии при сборе коричневых камней.

Siege / Осада
The name is fine.
The description is inconsistent and awkward.
Союзники получают по 2 ед. атаки, когда нападают в PvP.

Darkfall / (Омрачнение)
The name sounds very awkward. Better say Помрачение.
The description is unclear again.
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. атаки при сборе фиолетовых камней.

Invigorated / Оздоровление
The name is fine.
The description is unclear again.
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. жизни, когда союзник читает заклинание.

Possession / Одержимость
The name is fine.
The description is awkward.
25% шанс возродиться после смерти.

Fireproof / Огнеупорность
The name is fine.
The description can be worded better to indicate that it’s an immunity to any kind of burning, be it from skulls, traits, or spells. Like:
Иммунитет к возгоранию.

Fire Spirit / (Огненный дух)
The name is fine.
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. магии за каждого красного союзника.

Fire Link / (Огненная связь)
The name is fine.
The description is correct but inconsistent with the others of such kind. Better say:
Дает дополнительную красную ману при сборе красных камней.

Voracious / Обжорство
The name is wrong. The word you’re looking for is Прожорливость.
The description is worded awkwardly. Better say, like:
5% шанс поглотить врага при нанесении урона черепами.

Orc Fury / Орочья ярость
The name fine.
The description is awkward.
Прибавляет себе по 3 ед. атаки при получении урона жизни.

Orc Cunning / Орочья хитрость
The name is fine.
The description is awkward.
Прибавляет себе по 2 ед. магии при получении урона жизни.

Orc Bond / (Орочья связь)
The name is awkward. Better say Связь Орков
The description is correct but for the sake of continuity:
Орки-союзники получают по 2 ед. жизни.

Orc Armor / (Орочий доспех)
For the entirety of the game the word armor (when referring to stats) was translated as броня, what changed? Why not call it Орочья броня?
The description is awkward.
Прибавляет себе по 5 ед. брони при получении урона жизни.

Orclord / Орк-вождь
The name is fine.
The description has a typo in it. Should be:
Все Орки начинают сражение с 50% маны.

Unbreakable / Несокрушимость
The name is fine.
The description could be less confusing, like:
Снижает полученный урон от черепов на 80%.

Celestial Shield / Небесный щит
The name is fine.
The description could be more precise:
Окружает себя барьером при сборе 4 и 5 камней.

Avenger / Мститель
The name is fine.
The description could be less confusing, like:
Прибавляет себе по 3 ед. атаки, если союзник погибает.

Silence! / Молчать!
The name is fine.
The description is awkward.
Накладывает на врагов эффект молчания при нанесении урона черепами.

Many Heads / Много голов
The name is fine.
The description is a bit unclear. Better say:
Все враги получают по 3 ед. урона, когда меня бьют черепами.

Arcane / Мистика
The name is fine.
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. магии, когда союзник читает заклинание.

Magic Spirit / (Магический дух)
The name is fine.
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. магии за каждого фиолетового союзника.

Magic Link / (Магическая связь)
The name is fine.
The description is correct but inconsistent with the others of such kind. Better say:
Дает дополнительную фиолетовую ману при сборе фиолетовых камней.

Magic Brand / (Магическая огня)
The name is fine.
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. атаки за каждого фиолетового союзника.

Agile / Ловкость
The name is fine.
The description is awkward.
20% шанс избежать урона от удара черепами.

Aspect of Plague / Лик Чумы
The name is fine.
The description is awkward.
Враги теряют по 3 ед. параметра при сборе 4 и 5 камней.

Aspect of Death / Лик Смерти
The name is fine.
The description is correct but for the sake of continuity:
Крадет по 2 ед. жизни у первого врага в начале каждого хода.

Aspect of Famine / Лик Голода
The name is fine.
The description is correct but for the sake of continuity:
Первый враг теряет по 3 ед. параметра в начале каждого хода.

Aspect of War / Лик Войны
The name is fine.
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 2 ед. атаки в начале каждого хода.

Ice Aura / Ледяная аура
The is an inconsistency rewarding Water/Ice themes but it is a direct and correct translation from English so you can leave it as is. Or call it Водная аура for consistency and sorting convenience.
The description is fine.

Chill Touch / Леденящее касание
The name is fine.
The description has a punctuation error. No need for a comma anywhere:
Замораживает врагов при нанесении урона черепами.

Leader / (Командир)
The name is confusing. The word Командир is too close in meaning with General. Why not call it Лидер which as a direct and precise translation?
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 3 ед. ко всем параметрам, находясь на первой позиции.

Thorns / (Колючки)
The name is laughable. Колючки is something very small that doesn’t pose much inconvenience. The best word for it is Шипы.
The description is fine.

Immense / Коллос
The name is fine.
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 8 ед. жизни при сборе 4 и 5 камней.

King’s Will / Королевская воля
The name is fine.
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 8 ед. жизни при нанесении урона черепами.

Plague Tough / Касание чумы
The name is fine.
The description has a punctuation error. No need for a comma anywhere:
Заражает врагов при нанесении урона черепами.

Stone Spirit / Каменный дух
The name is fine.
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. магии за каждого коричневого союзника.

Stone Heart / Каменное сердце
The name is fine.
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. жизни за каждого коричневого союзника.

Stone Brand / Каменная печать
The name is fine.
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 1 ед. атаки за каждого коричневого союзника.

Stoneskin / Каменная кожа
The name is fine.
The description could be less confusing, like:
Снижает полученный урон от черепов на 50%.

Crystallize / Кристаллизация
The name is fine.
The description is unclear.
Зачаровывает себя при сборе фиолетовых камней.
(The side notes work just as fine with this description, no need to change those).

Daemon Slayer / Истребитель демонов
The name is fine and consistent.
The description is awkward and inconsistent tho.
Наносит демонам двойной урон черепами.

Immune / Иммунитет
The name is unfortunate. You use the word Иммунитет in every trait description that means immunity to something. To avoid confusion better call this trait Устойчивость (means the same thing basically).
The description is fine.

Invention / Изобретение
The name is fine.
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 2 ед. брони при сборе 4 и 5 камней.

Angry Bear / Злой медведь
The name is fine.
The description is unclear.
Накладывает на себя эффект гнева при сборе коричневых камней.

Huge / Здоровяк
The name is fine.
The description is unclear.
Прибавляет себе по 2 ед. жизни при сборе 4 и 5 камней.

Beast Slayer / (Зверобой)
The name is correct and I like it but for consistency’s sake and for the sorting convenience it might be better to call this trait Истребитель Зверей
The description is fine.

Beast Bond / (Звериная связь)
The name is okay but for continuity and for sorting convenience better call it Связь зверей.
The description is correct.

For the people / За людей
The name can use an exclamation mark at the end otherwise it’s a bit ambiguous.
The description is fine but for consistency’s sake:
Все люди**-союзники** получают по 2 ед. брони в гачале каждого хода.

Greedy / Жадность
The name is fine.
The description could be better:
Добывает по 2 золотых при сборе 4 и 5 камней.

Soul legion / (Душевный легион)
LMAO I can’t even. The current translation means cordial, warm and fuzzy, legion. What you meant to say was Легион душ.
The description is awkward. And who the hell is Вихт? I don’t know such a word; it makes no sense. The better name for Wight is Нечисть.
So the description would be:
50% шанс призвать Нечисть, когда враг умирает.

part two