Legendary task rewards are poor and not worth it. Discuss

Souls not Arcanes are quantity, not quality? I don’t think so.

You’re talking about restriction which I already addressed. If they gave good rewards, they would have to limit play time. Or limit how many you can achieve. Which isn’t good, and people would still cry over that anyways. It’s lose-lose.

You’re already my favorite person on the forums due to your name and picture. Please don’t ever ruin it for me.

Your work analogy was exactly that, quantity.

As for souls vs. stones, said quantity has to actually be worth something before accumulating it leads to burnout.

Giving a few better rewards for Legendary tasks isn’t going to lead to more burnout, especially when the top guilds are completing them by the dozens. If burnout were going to happen, it would have happened by now.

It’s happening plenty. I see it every day. That’s only rewarding those who are already rewarded.

Yes it can still lead to burnout. Those who do 20 tasks now, will want to complete more and more still.

Just from the mere implementing of Legendary tasks, guild expectations have gone up more and more. Now if you want to be in a guild that completes Legendary tasks requires a shit ton. It’s the carrot and the stick game always. Put something in front of people’s faces, and they’re going to want it. The question is how much?

As opposed to those of us who have to scrape and scratch to complete just one, only to get fucking garbage in return. That will kill the game faster than any imaginary burnout.

And yeah, this burnout is why the top 4 or 5 guilds are completing more and more every week. They’re so burned out.

I’m sorry, but if you can only give 4 or 5 guilds as an example then you’re already out of your element.

You think somehow people will be satisfied with better rewards and just stop playing? Or will they play more? Hmm I wonder.

As in if the Devs gave us better rewards, people would only play 5 hours and stop? Or will they continuously keep playing to get more and more of the better rewards? There is no guessing here. The only difference in what you have suggested is “worth” in the player’s eyes. That’s the only thing it changes.

Just because you don’t think they’re worth it, doesn’t mean everyone does. Just because you are soured and burnt-out doesn’t mean everyone is. If the Devs see in the data that they can make a change, i’m sure they will. Until then tough cookies.

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Where is this burnout? You keep saying it but there’s absolutely no evidence it exists.

The bottom lune is that This game continues to favor the top 10% far and away over everyone else. Improving legendary task rewards changes nothing for the guilds completing dozens of them a week. They’re already reaping the benefits through sheer volume. It changes things dramatically for the guilds completing one or 2 a week. A lot of those guilds don’t even bother with legendary tasks because there’s no cost-benefit. Why have them then if a handful of top guilds can even take advantage of them?

Garbage rewards only penalize the guilds that complete 1 or 2. Of course this to be expected, this game penalizes anybody that isn’t a 10 percenter or just started after 2.0.

You’re defeating your own argument. Continuing to play is the opposite of burnout. So which is it? Better rewards will keep people playing or will cause them to quit prematurely?

You can’t have it both ways.

You can and do have it both ways. What you’re doing is making the game even more addicting, til people become slaves. People keep playing because they feel the HAVE to as opposed to want to. If I don’t provide enough resources for my guild, i’ll get kicked, and fall even more behind in this game. That is already a thing in this game. People who don’t complete Legendary tasks are mostly missing out, except they don’t feel that because rewards are random.

They just see a bunch of people saying these rewards are crap. This game currently does cater to the top 10%, and that’s a problem. Suggesting is one thing, but feeling entitled is another. People just want them to keep making the rich, richer. Surprise surprise. Right now it’s controlled, and that’s a good thing. (for the Devs)

I can get frustrated with rewards sure, but i’m not going to discount logic in all this. I know they have a business to run.

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Except marginally improving legendary tasks doesn’t help the top 10%. They’re already getting the best rewards via sheer volume.

In]mproving them slightly benefits that next tier of guilds that otherwise gets nothing. Improving legendary tasks slightly helps close the gap between the haves and the have nots.

If you have a bag of gold and I give you another bag of gold, is that making you richer?

Or is there no difference at all?


You’re wanting to make the top 1% richer, but also trying to bring other people up to the richest 1%. It’s still doing the same thing man.

Without dragging this out further, where was the “burnout” argument when people were complaining about Arcane traitstones?

The Devs introduced Explore mode, making arcane traitstones exponentially easier to acquire. Did burnout ensue? Nope. The game is mire popular than ever and Explore is the mist-talked about game mode other than PVP.

You’re completely discounting percentages of return.

If you give a billionaire $10,000 it means infinitely less than if you give it to a homeless person. This isn’t simple addition.

That doesn’t require any more time. You’re still spending the same amount of time playing the game as you normally would, but you have more options for how to spend that time.

Upping the rewards would just cause more people to be locked into pvp which gives the most gold. Instead of spreading out activities.

That’s simply not supported by fact. This whole burnout thing is 100% speculation on your part.

Uh you don’t have to use math here. It’s still giving the rich more.

As I said above, you’re talking about worth. That’s different.

Yeah now that I’ve wasted time trying to preach to someone that cries about not being able to complete events, I can clearly see yet again what this has become.

It’s not about logic or anything else other than I want, I want, I want. Have fun with that.

I want a peanut butter milkshake on my desk in 5 minutes, i’ll be waiting.

Truth is I love a good grind. Explore is my fave mode of the game but I mainly do PvP for gold and glory. I like explore for the variety.

I must admit though guys if the devs never ever introduced legendary tasks then I would of packed up my bat and ball and stopped playing. There was nothing left to grind for.


You’re completely mistaken. This has nothing to do with what I want or how I currently feel about the game.

Removing minor traitstones from legendary task rewards, which was the original request, will NOT break the game, lead to burnout, or widen the gap.

Your argument is pure myth, that’s what this is about.