If it's on Steam page, is it a spoiler?

Yeah, I could see it enduring (though true damage would be an issue). It just seems like the intended use is to bolster an Attack-heavy troop into a nuke. Anointed One?

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Or perhaps with a hero wielding Mang? That gets beefy FAST

Hero, warlord, mang (red/brown, destroy all troops armor, gain atk = armor destroyed)
Queen, (blue/green, nuker)
Green Seer, (purple/yellow, create green to feed queen)

Maybe Mercy for 4th, for fast yellow to get the ball rolling and cleanse in case of entangle. Or any legend with a “on +4 match” like Mab, Jarl, Sylvan, Plague… Or even Soothsayer for a quick 15 gem destroy spell to kickstart mana.

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I’m really interested in all of these passive stat gains for your team troops. The idea that you could put many of them on a team and get large boosts each turn means that stalling can overpower a fixed enemy damage output. For Queen Y, you wouldn’t hold a candle to true damage, sadly, but pairing 3 of her with a Templar seems like it might be sufficiently unkillable (until you bring heavy, heavy nukrs, death mark, devour, or other instant kills).

Or until you bring a control deck that can wipe out the whole enemy team in one turn, no matter how strong they are. Not always of course, but such teams are fast enough to make such armour gains insignificant.