How was your first day of Guild Wars? Are you a šŸ’« Golden God šŸ’«?



I may be misunderstanding the brackets and rewards here. From what I understand Hoguns is 8th in points but due to the brackets 11th overall so they will receive the 11th place rewards but if 3 people were to leave and we dropped to 3rd bracket the most we would be able to get is 21st place rewards so even if people were to leave the guild would get less rewards and the people that left canā€™t participate for a week and would get no rewards at all.

This is also hurting guilds that are recruiting they will need to kick underperforming people earlier so they can get people in before reset otherwise they will be down a player and lose a lot of points. The other problem is some people wonā€™t want to leave their guild midweek and forfeit their rewards and lose whatever resources they spent on sentinels. I only changed because I knew getting into Hoguns was worth the guild task rewards I was missing out on was worth it.

We at Mean Machine have 9 perfect runs today witu 1 player still not done with battles.
At the end of the day we are pleased with ourselves, 6th on the global ranking and we have more points then Hoguns.


looking forward to the showdown with you guys, even though i believe you will take the bracket, you have a lot of good players, a few of us at in virtue are on holiday.
All the best :slight_smile:


Itā€™ll be fun no doubt that ^^


Just to brag i did another golden god day.


And at the end of the day, thatā€™s what matters! Sure theyā€™ve temporarily run away with trophies but here we get to compete with them again. Kind of. Hopefully properly next week!

Oh, and I forgot to mention my second consecutive day of :dizzy: Golden God :dizzy: status, maintaining my 100% record :100:


Maxx joined our guild on Monday. He should be in!

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I am a :dizzy: Golden God :dizzy: !!!

This reminds me of a songā€¦
A song that a certain somebody may have parodiedā€¦
Keep your eyes on the Gem Jukebox!!


Hi Salty,

We also have a new member (DARK VENOM) that joined on Monday, yet he cannot participate in GW. Will the fix automatically let him be able to join in the war, or will he have to file a ticket?

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Making excuses already, huh? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Have they tried since today started? Nim mentioned (in global) the fix went out sometime within the first hour after reset. It sounded like it should have fixed everyone, but if your member is still having trouble then maybe file a ticket.


Thanks for that information, Oz. Iā€™ll ask him. :smile_cat:


If anything iā€™m jealous of your Glory amount. I guess i wasnā€™t born to be gloriousā€¦ :wink:

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I just restarted Gems 2 seconds ago and I still canā€™t participate. I saw that in global and the people she was responding to were able to play Tuesdays war.

Yea, I just asked Dark, and he still canā€™t play either.

When you ask him can you please post if he was to participate or not?

He canā€™t participate either.

Damn it might have been a different bug that was fixed.

Who has two thumbs and is a :dizzy: Golden God :dizzy: AGAIN!? :thinking:

This Guy! :grin:

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
