How much are you worth?

I’ve had many times where they got 0 gold.

Gold amounts follow some kind of formula to determine how much an invader will receive, uncollected gold is just the starting point, I’ve faced (and beat) the same enemy 3 times out of five matches and they had the same amount of gold each match… Think about it how many times has an opponent ever been shown to have stolen 50 or less gold from you in the revenge screen… Now tell me this, how many PVP games have you ever fought (or even seen for that matter) an opponent with less then 100 gold (barring when you were below level 50)

He is talking about revenges


In case you were wondering Esoxnepa was referencing what was shown as 56 gold in my screenshot

Also @Cell, just to clarify Esoxnepa

lol I was wondering how ghetto my bounty would be. It is better than my estimate of a 50 gold and a bag of stale Doritos.


As long as they are sealed expiry doesn’t mean anything

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Omg you found my sister!


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Anyone have a line on me? I’ve been playing

What level are ya?

Currently 322

Alrighty. Same name in-game as here?

My def team is Jarl and 3x Goblin Rockets, name is Cell


Sorry @Cell. Haven’t seen ya yet.