Hero Kingdom - Proposal

that would be totally broken :slight_smile:
imagine any two-colored exploder (or even a well used transformer):

set one of the unused colors to convert into the exploder’s mana and you will have him filled every time,

or on the other hand if the convertion ratio is too little it will just frustrate players as a useless feature

i dont believe there will be any fairly balanced ratio to it

just imagine an enemy has a ratio to convert to purples or browns for the bone dragon… (or whatever new meta comes after it)

Anna, the major bouns are +2 on colours. For example, The Abyssal Banner aka the TDS Banner, is +2 purple, +1 red, -1 yellow. So in a way +2, +2, -1, -1, makes sense

in a way it makes sense but please notice the fact that usually ppl only need 2 colors to play:
(or at least they dont need 2 colors at all)

the actual number and values of penalties to the other colors in comparison to value of benefits to those 2 main colors is not a simple math, the benefits of +2 +2

  • in comparison of benefit of +2 +1 - goes way further then a weight of simple difference between -1 and -2 penalty

basically penalising a color that you wouldnt use with a -2 instead of -1 (or penalising one more color with a -1) will not make you weaker as you will choose one or two colors that you dont really use anyway

while that extra +1 you will definatelly gonna use

just think about it for a while. its the same as setting +10 -8 banner, just a more delicate version of it, it still makes the difference and is not on same beneficial level then the original banner sets

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Very intriguing idea. Looking forward to more detail about each mini-game/building of this “kingdom”. Two suggestions: Players must unlock and complete ALL kingdoms and quests in order to unlock this one. That way all the banners, bonuses and classes are opened AND all the content the devs have created in this game will be experienced before going into any sort of “custom” mode. The second one being that in order for the custom banner to be used it must be your home kingdom as well… meaning no 2x tribute bonus since there there is no tribute from yourself - like an additional cost of having your own banner. :ok_hand: