GUILD - features supporting members Loyalty and Integration

Because promotion and demotion has no material impact, it’s just a nice way for a guild leader to show appreciation. Choosing how to divvy up the rewards puts way too much power into the guildmaster’s hands and also creates too much admin for them.


Great thread topic @Annaerith. :smile_cat:

RE: Your OP ideas

Number 1 would be nice. I’m not crazy about number 2. I absolutely love number 3 and 4.

In a perfect world, I would love to be able to give an actual reward to members of my guild that went the extra mile one week. I do give MVP titles. So, it would be nice to give them something for their effort even if it was from my own inventory or if they had a shop that let me buy a gift for another player.

More importantly, since guilds are so critical in GoW, I want real team building activities. I really liked your PVE raid idea and Don’s Boss fight idea. I’m hoping that Guild Wars will actually address this issue as well.

  • fingers crossed *

It’s not about making the rich get richer at least on my behalf because they shouldn’t hand out rewards like gems, keys, etc. Just promote guild unity, and a way for a guild leader to show appreciation. It’s not about picking a player and giving them 50 gems for instance.

That’s why i’m all for having unity building guild activities. In the end nothing is going to stop players from leaving, we can’t fix that, and it isn’t a problem that needs fixing. But the game can use more guild building activities.

Player freedom is important, but right now Guild Leaders really can’t do anything for players that are loyal, or go that extra mile every week, or are very helpful, etc.

The reason obviously that this would help that some have missed, is if someone thoroughly enjoys their time in the guild through activities and such it might make them stay that much more.



Guilds are (sadly, but nature of the game) a secondary function in GoW, which is fundamentally not a team game. Yet, perhaps. Maybe Guild Wars will help deal with that. Let’s see what happens. My concern is it’ll just be another box of resources to distribute to those who play the game obsessively.

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We are getting news on the guild wars tomorrow so lets see what happens.


I actually hope now that we have LTs for the hardcore players and guilds, we can see more rewards filtered out to everyone systematically in some way. The weekly events were a start, they may have more up their sleeve.

We’ll just have to see, but maybe. I think overall they have set the stage though, because no matter what those who play longer will have more rewards. So more rewards for everyone now.

They’re a secondary mechanic but definitely a primary source of resource accumulation. That’s the REAL problem.

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It’s a shame a guild can’t accumulate mvp points every week. These would add up to a reward that could be purchased and sent to the mvp at the end of the month. Say mini vip pack?

what is mvp?

Most valuable player of the week or month?

hmm then i would prefer a different method, like “overall appreciation points” that woul be used up to collect a reward but otherwise never reset

with your weekly system each week same person could get it and overall would be no fun

something like this for example:

  • each member can give 1 appreciation point per week, can only give it to another member and not themself
  • each week only one appreciation reward is available to collect for lets say 40 points, if someone else collected it, you got to wait for next week

or u can give 5 points, each to a different member (not yourself) and to collect is needed 120 points?

or they could be given auomatically by system depending on some criteria…

well anyway some things like that

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