Friend List, Chat & Live PvP

Hi everyone !

I suppose these suggestions were already made on the old forum but it would be better to open a post about it here.

What I think is missing in Gems of Wars is interaction and communication between players in the game.
If you have a guild you can post some words in “Activity” but that’s all ! What about players who ain’t in your guild ? That’s pretty cool to have a forum to chat with others, but if there’s no way to talk with them or even play with them, where’s the interest ?

That’s why I’m posting my first suggestion : a Friend List !
The Friend List button could appear next to the Guild button. To Add a new friend, you’d just have to write his/her invite code that you can find on his/her forum profile. Then your future friend would just have to accept or refuse your invitation.
When you had some friends in your list, a green dot would appear before their names if they’re online. Two buttons would appear after their names too : “Chat” & “Duel”. Finally, a status would be written in italic below their names : available, playing a match (it could be quest, challenge, pvp, arena or treasure hunt), away from keybord, has X invitation(s) waiting for answer(s)

So… here comes my second suggestion : the Chat in game !
As I read it somewhere (certainly the old version forum), some people already suggested a game chat. It would be a great communication tool for all players who want to talk to their friends and/or guild members.
However it would be possible to chat with your friends only on the general map screen. If you click for example on Zul’Kari with the intention to play at Treasure Hunt, your status would automatically switch to playing a match, even if you didn’t start anything, and the chat window woudn’t be accessible anymore. If you were just upping your troops, you would hear an alert when a friend talk to you, but you would be able to answer him/her only on the map screen where is the chat window.

And finally, last but not least suggestion : Live PvP ! Would it be more interesting to play versus another player than the AI ? I think so !
How would it work ?
You’d just have to send an invitation by the “Duel” button in the Friend List or the “Login” tab you can find in the “Roster” of your Guild. It means that you’d be able to see the members of your guild who are available as in the Friend List (with the green dot and the status).
Then you’d be waiting with a message on your screen “Invitation send : waiting for (player’s name)'s answer”. If your friend or guild partner is available, he/she would have a message on his/her screen " (your name) invited you to Duel !" and would have the choice between “Accept” button or “Refuse” button. If he/she were already playing a match, he/she would receive your invitation when his/her match would be done.
Duel accepted ? Your friend and you would be able to choose your team and then click on “Ready to fight”. Of course, if one of you weren’t ready, a message would appear on screen “waiting for (player’s name) to be ready”. Then the AI would select the kingdom randomly and both of you would have to click on “To Battle”.
The one who were invited to duel woul’d be the one who start the match. During the duel, when it would be your friend’s turn, you would have a message on your screen “Waiting for (your friend’s name)'s move” like in a online chest game.

So… what do you think ?