Explore petition

Sorcerer hands down


That’s one option, but I can tell ya (if my memory serves me right) that this week’s stone ‘Blade’, hasn’t been in an event reward pack since I started playing the game (last November). That’s a mighty long time to wait.


Priest is the class I completed. When Explore mode was released I had his first trait and 6 of the arcanes needed to get his 2nd. That should tell you something about how many trait stones I’ve gotten.

Make no mistake about it, I LOVE Explore mode.

You just made me think of something else.

Farming Blade arcanes last week saved me like 4500 or more Glory this week. Now I have all of that banked to use next week.

I’ve found that for me, it’s boom or bust with events. If I don’t like the troop, I buy one and move on. If I do like the troop, I want to buy enough to ascend and trait all the way. That requires a lot of Glory.

Thanks to Explore mode, I can use my Glory like this and not really have to worry about not getting enough arcanes.


The reason for these 3 three class is the usually overlooked sun and moon.

I really want Sun and Moon…I really do.


I hope it becomes a 40x weapon. (if it isn’t already)

Ditto to that, I don’t have it either.


Sun & Moon is an event weapon. If you didn’t get it when they released it way back when, you have no chance to acquire it unless they release it another event or put it in the shop for $$$.

I really want it to. :heart_eyes:


So it’s decided: Explore OP and devs need to give us ways to get old weapons!


I’ve been tracking my Arcane drops from Explore since shortly after it released and over hundreds of battles the drop rate has been holding fairly steady at between 1 in 15 to 1 in 17, with my longest drought so far being a mere 65 battles (my longest recorded drought for arcane drops in challenges was 45 levels). Depending on your tolerance, it is probably still going to be best to wait for a glory pack to trait out your legendaries and mythic, but even for newer players, this is a great way to fill out your stone requirements for commons, rares, and ultra-rares without waiting for a glory pack or potentially having to farm hundreds of battles. Not to mention the runics you need, which can also bottleneck you if your guild isn’t doing thousands of glory keys.

If you are so new that you have no kingdoms maxed and no troops at max level, Explore may be a bit difficult for you (and also you probably lack the minor stones to trait anyway), but if you can even complete one Explore in the space of time you could do two Challenges, you are still ahead of the curve on getting your Arcanes, and at this point, the first time you get traits like Stoneskin help you out immensely.

For me, personally, the Arcane drop rates for Explore are finally high enough that I don’t feel like I’m straight wasting my time to try to get an off-week arcane, which is good because in the current PvP this is almost impossible, and playing challenges in short bursts would often leave me empty handed for days. Explore I can pick up for a half an hour or an hour and get an Arcane most of the time, giving the feeling that I’ve actually accomplished something, which is something the other modes have not been able to do in a long time.


I think there were some Blade Arcane packs since then. Ghiralee in February and Zephyros in December.

You’ve gotten lucky.

I decided to trait Mercy. I started out with 6 swamp stones, needed an additional six, and now I’m a few matches away from obtaining the assassin class weapon & still one traitstone away from finishing Mercy.

I have about 25 green runics now and, of course, still have hardly any BLUE runics, which are in perpetually short supply…

It’s a nice feature and better than nothing but I’m feeling pretty disenchanted.

You may be right about that, but that’s still almost 6 months ago, quite a while to wait.

Yeah, I agree. Given that there are 15 different dual-color arcanes and they only feature 1 per week, it seems like a particular stone should come around on average about only once per 4 months. That already seems like a long time to wait. But they haven’t even been evenly distributed. Feels like a lot of Arcane Beast (Red/Green) weeks lately. Maybe the devs can switch the event pack common to a rare on some weeks so that we can get 2 dual-color arcanes some weeks… please :grin:

Just like a number of cards I dealt with earlier today…

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It’s amazing how many unrelated comments can prompt you to brag.

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Please do not lock people out of doing explore by implementing a change to make it only available for 5 star kingdoms… Are people forgetting how long it takes to get there??

That would make explore a feature for just the high end players… That seems really unfair.

This mode should stay accessible to all players. It is such an amazing feature that makes traitstone farming actually feasible for me. Without it I’d be screwed (and I don’t have any 5 star kingdoms. I barely even have a 3 star). If you like to actually level up and trait troops you like, and if the goal is to have multiple teams to counter opponents… Locking this feature behind 5 stars goes against that mentality because it would now force you to level up people you don’t like just to be able to get to 5 stars to be able to explore to be able to get trait stones.

And are we forgetting how unbearable challenge mode is? I hate them with a passion. Very static. Very repetitive. Very very boring to farm. And the rewards are very bad. And some people want to force others that don’t want to… To challenge farm in order to unlock explore mode which you’ll then be farming in. I don’t know just seems like a mean thing to do.

I’d much prefer it if they increased the amount of souls you get for challenge mode initially so it’s a nicer burst of souls to get players started. Or maybe make that the way to soul farm by increasing the amount of souls you get in challenges.


It’s amazing how the most trivial thing can prompt you to be personal and unfriendly…

I was simply trying to be funny, you know, a play on words…

I edited my comment so it couldn’t possibly be taken in that way again…

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Since Bunni’Nog (27 Troops) the PC Weekly Arcanes have been ridiculously evenly distributed. Only Lights and Stealths haven’t been used, with NONE of the other 19 Arcanes featured more than twice.

Conversely, Console has seen 3 Beasts and 4 Swamps in the last 17 weeks, with only 7 different Arcanes used out of 21