Marthos Guardians - Rank 5

Just tell me to leave My current guild, im ready :slight_smile:

i’m satisfied in my guild currently. Thank u for your consideration though. Give a chance to the next person.

You can leave it ;-).

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Okey i have left it :slight_smile:

Invitation sent. Welcome aboard.

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We are looking for 1 new player :slight_smile: .
Our requirements are:

  • 500k golds/week
  • 300 trophies/week
  • 1300 seals/week
  • At least level 100
  • Join our FB group (“Marthos Guardians”)

If you are interested, you can post a message here with your level and invite code or PM me ;-).

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Hello, if you are still looking for a member, I am quite interested.
I’m currently lvl 162 and I can take care of the weakly reqs.

Invite code is PJPAN, let me know if you are interested :slight_smile:

Thx for your consideration

Thank you for your interest for our guild.
I am sorry but the slot was already taken… We could have some slots this Monday if you’re still interested ;-).

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Sure thing, I’m in no hurry :slight_smile:

Hello, if you are still looking for a member, I am quite interested. I’m a lvl 196, and I’m playing every day, and collect 1500 seals/weekly My invite code: MRKEATING27. thx

Interested , Please send an invite to DAVE 89. Level 231 looking for TOP 30 Guilds ! Materies at 37 level

Thanks for your interest for our guild ;-).

One slot will be opened in few hours.

If you are still interested, please post your average contributions (trophies, golds and seals). Thanks.

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Marthos Guardians reached 4th possition and we currently have 2 spots opened.

If you are interested to join us abd meet our minimal requirements: 300 trophies / 500k gold / 1300 seals per week, leave the comment with your invite code, current level and average trophy contribution.

You can also PM me directly.

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See the post above.

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Hi, just PM you. Invite Code: Ong Xiao O

Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks!

The Marthos Guardians are actually at rank 4. We complete every week the basic tasks and few Legendary ones. We also usually unlocked the 40k Guild Chest.

We are looking for 3 new players: if you are interested to join us and meet our minimal requirements: 300 trophies/500k gold/1300 seals per week, you can PM me or @orbin111 with your invite code, current level and average trophy contribution.

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We are still looking for 3 new players but this time with a special discount for low level players ;-).
Minimal requirements are: 300 trophies/500k gold (only 300k if you need to level your kingdoms)/1300 seals per week

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Hi, I’m level 1064, contribute 300+/week

Hi Margola,
give us your invite code, say good bye to your guild mates and we will send you an invitation.
I am going to sleep now but Turin should be here ready in 7 hours.

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You’re currently in another guild. If you still want to join us, please leave your current guild ;-).

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