Dear devs, please fix your cheating AI on console

Sorry it took me a while to make this video. I’m not sure if it helps much, but hopefully so as there are several instances that have been discussed in this thread that have taken place in the matches I recorded today. Another HUGE problem is the AI getting 90% of their turns as ‘Mana Surges’ while the player is lucky to have 10-20% of their’s being ‘Mana Surges’.

The ONLY game on this video that I managed to dominate was the one that I used a goblin team. I shouldn’t have to depend on my goblins to win all the matches for me. I should be able to use any team that I like with a better success rate of winning, especially when challenging against players several ranks/levels lower than me.

*This was live streamed, so it may still be processing when I made this post. If you can’t view it yet, try again in an hour or so. The video is about 40 minutes long and I discuss SEVERAL key things about the AI that I have noticed, and that have been mentioned in this thread.