CONSOLE: Weekly Chest Drop

In general, if you open your troop list and use the filter to “show all”, then subtract:

  1. Any non-seasonal imps (so right now, all imps except Winter Imp),
  2. Any troops released for glory, or given away in a special event, in the last 4 weeks (this you can figure out from my list in the other thread),
  3. Guild guardians, which are only available in guild chests, and
  4. Any other special cases, like when there is an exclusive week for a new Mythic,
    that should tell you exactly which troops are available in the general chests, bearing in mind that the range of rarities is different depending on which type of chest you are opening.

There is no handy list that you could refer to that would tell you exactly what is in console chests at any given time. @Rasper has one going for PC/Mobile, which will work for us whenever console gets caught up to PC/Mobile. Updated "Not in chests" list

Event chests are a special case, and there is a good discussion in the “Console: no one expects” thread right now. CONSOLE: No One Expects - #49 by Stan

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