CONSOLE: An Update on the Update!

Im getting a error message when i try pvp and have to restart

Wow, this thread exploded since last night.

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tried 1 of tacets codes nada also task didnt pay 12 diamonds kinda miffed but enjoying new update

Was it an old code? Redeem codes expire after 200 people use them.

dont know
how to find sparkly precious redeems for Xone

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You’ll have to wait for a Tacet video or for the devs to give one out randomnly. Sometimes, the devs give them out in global chat on PC/Mobile.

I’ve been on at midnight Pacific time, and I’ve daily reset then.

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I thought the tasks would reset at the same time as the daily login… My daily login reset time changed to an earlier time but the tasks reset is still at the later time.

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My reset time as changed also, before it was 11am now its at 3am

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  1. Redeem codes are currently DISABLED on the Xbox one.
  2. PC/Mobile codes will not work on console. (when functionality is activated)
  3. (When or if) Sony decides to allow free items on PSN the redeem codes will be enable Xbox.
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Yes, I noticed that too. Its interesting how many different reset timers there are for different aspects of the game.

Just as a heads up to everyone - we’re about to change the tasks reset time to be the same as the other reset timers (7am GMT), which is in about two hours. I apologise for the day to be cut short like it is, hope this will make it easier to follow in the future.


why does xbox have to wait for sony just curious?

Because Sony players would whine and cry that it’s not fair.



I crunched the numbers with the Troop catch-up and all of both Arcanes, Lava and Venom, were part of the Troop dump and are no longer available for purchase.

What is the current timeline for the Guild update with the delay on this last one?

A reminder that Lava Elemental was expected to be a glory reward next week. As both he and the knob brothers were dropped into chests this week hopefully we can get a good crack at the the Lava arcanes by having the epic troop up instead.

We have never had a single sniff at Lava arcanes.

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Unfortunately as an Ultra Rare that means we only get 1 for 250 Glory each…With Nobend Brothers coming up soon that might be a better option if you can wait.

Thats what I was attempting to say.
The epic and ultra rare were both put in chests this week.
The epic was meant to be a glory eve t troop next week while the epic was never to get a glorry week.
Considering they were both dumped in to chests this week (accidentally?) we may as well be given the epic troop next week…

Both Nobend Brothers and Lava Elemental have been released, we’ll see how the Arcane Lavas are handled

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The devs said that the upcoming event troops would include the troops that were released in the troop dump after the update to ensure we get them, so I don’t think the fact they are already released changes anything.

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