CONSOLE: An Update on the Update!

Unfortunately we suffered a few more issues with the patch. We now have approval from Microsoft, however Sony raised a new issue with one of our features in the 2.0 patch. Frustratingly this wasn’t raised before, so when we we sent out the new builds we were totally unaware they would fail us for it. Now it means we must do a new build for them and re-submit it.

We are trying everything to get it pushed through their QA asap. At this stage it looks like it will be either later this week or early next week for release.

I think the scope of new features in this patch has worked against us to some extent. There are so many new features in this patch, the testers of Sony/Microsoft probably don’t pick it up all at once. We sincerely apologise about the delays and in the future will plan our updates with these long approval times in mind.