🎊🎊🎊 Gems are Fruitloops Looking for Active players!(27/30) RANK 77! All Tasks Complete! 40K SealS! Statues Level 100+! 🎊🎊🎊

Yess Ill invite you in 2hours ish

Yess , can i have your invite codes

Still one spot open for a new talent!
Reply to SooDeaD :wink:

Very active player, level 161, frequently contribute to guild tasks. invite code: merklin_22

we are still looking!

Active Player, lvl 123, still leveling kingdoms to 10th level, but i can contribute like 100k gold/week
invite code: Muody

How long will it take you to get your kingdoms to 10 Muody?

Can I join? I can meet your requirements for all except gold. 200k+ Is it ok?

Hello. Do you remember me. I have been a member of guild some time ago. Now Im playing again. I will be pleased to join the guild again. When you will have free and If it possible I would join.
inv code: westikkrystof

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i do remember you , ill let you know when there is a free spot :slight_smile:

we got a spot open if you are still interested

we have 4 spots open right now

Level 571 active player. I can meet your requirements. My invite code is Paesh.

Still have a few spots open. :smile:

Bump. Still have some room. Join us for a good time :yum:

Hi i would like to join i can meet yhe requirementsif you would have me.

What is your invite code?

My invite is C0RDSTER_1

the second letter is a zero i find it hard to tell so i figured i should post it

That was what was messing me up :-p invite sent