A thank you to the developers from your biggest fan! 2.0

There are definitely some kinks they’re ironing out in terms of points won vs lost and susceptibility to multiple attacks; however, all in all I’m pretty excited about the PvP changes. I know I’ve said this elsewhere but here’s the bottom line for me:

I’m going to continue to play the game as much as I was before (i.e., 50-100 trophies/week) and I will be getting more and better rewards as a result of the update.

Will I be Rank 1, or even Top 100? Nope. But the Tier + Ranked rewards as it is, plus the on-going balancing, means I will be coming out ahead in the end. And with the on-going adjustments they’re making, I think this will become apparent to everyone.

So, sure, you can’t grind to Rank 1 and safely sit there. But who cares? When everyone is Rank 1 it means nothing, and all I really care about is that I’m now progressing faster than I was before.

Lastly, I’ve actually found the battles to be much more engaging. With the ability to choose between 3 opponents and the fact that the opponents are being pulled based on various criteria, I find I’m doing way less skipping and winning just as much as I was before. The only real catch is that I can’t now quit out when I pick a bad match… but I can’t hold that against them.

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