2.0 PvP Preview

So does this confirm another preview video then?

We may do another video, or we may do a blog-post about other changes… still deciding on that one


It’s the only mode I would play. My guild doesn’t value trophies that much.

What has that to do with my statement?

  1. If you have a rating system for how strong a defense team is, why not calculate into the rewards the team rating of the attacking team?

  2. Am i the only one who dont like. that other player see my attacking team through the defense logs? Today, most things in games will discussed in forums, so very quickly everone nows good team combos and how to beat a game in general. I realy liked the fact, that i WAS able to work out teams without showing them to all others.

  3. I am happy that you still let the rank system (15 → 1) intact, so casual players will still have a chance to get a reasonable amount of rewards (at least equally like before pvp 2.0).

You are the best female developer! :slight_smile:
With sirrian being best male developer :smiley:
But thanks for your voice, it sounds like I imagine it, and I like your voice. Sirrian has great voice for this video stuff though :slight_smile:


2 more questions arised on analyzing the video a bit:
I noticed the ‘Fight’ button in the battle-log opponent info screen. Is it only active for a lost defense (basically the old revenge)? Or can you now selectively fight opponents (surely cant be, you could just spam attack the current leader or something)? Is it a ranked or casual battle?

Also no glory/trophies for the leaderboard champions seems odd. The gem rewards are very low anyways since most people that rank that high will propably be in active guilds and have no need for gems anyways. And while trophies are currently worth very little cough i’d rather get 100 of those than 50 gems. I personally would also rather win a bunch (4 digits) of glory than 11 arcane stones.

Anyways all in all it looks super exciting. I hope it goes live soon!

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The gem rewards for the top ranks does seem to be off. No one who can even think about reaching the top 20 have any need for such a small pile of gems. Glory is much more valuable and makes more sense given that it is PvP.


Great glory gains from maps to make up for the fact that you get barily any glory from casual matches.[quote=“Shrpy, post:64, topic:6752”]
I am happy that you still let the rank system (15 -> 1) intact, so casual players will still have a chance to get a reasonable amount of rewards (at least equally like before pvp 2.0).

This raises the question of if i get to rank 1 in casual and collect my rewards can i do the same thing for ladder so i can hit rank 1 twice?

Better chests is what i am thinking of spending those gems on. Or i could spend them on arena runs or gold or souls. Not sure this update is good or bad for the economy inside itself.

Leveled Tyri already after her map generation change. Have currently enough maps, but I keep her as a reserve. Need more souls than glory, though.

If the new pvp hits tyri’s kingdom before i reach her last trait stones then i am going to stop being a casual and start using the ladder… Also another question is does the ladder reset every week for each event?

I did not expect this to look so much better than the currently PvP, really good news. :relieved:


Looking forward to all the Mercy-Maw combos…NOT.

I am looking forward to the leaderboard though. I play a lot, and it will be interesting to see the other players that are very active. Also, I wonder if guild requirements are going to change. Sirrian said it will be difficult to reach Rank 1 and many guilds only requirement is to reach Rank 1. From afar, the changes look good. Not being able to bail out of matches that aren’t in my favor is going to be very interesting, I see a lot of grumblings in the future.

Are there any plans to set up several PvP brackets, based on time zones? I suspect that the competition at top ranks will be pretty tough, anybody not able to play the final hour(s) will be at a great disadvantage due to defensive loss point drops. Some of us have to sleep and work, I’d prefer a PvP approach that doesn’t interfere with those activities. :worried:


Mercy+Maw won’t be used as much in 2.0. There will be no difficulty setting in PvP, so Maw will be a lot weaker. Things like freeze, silence, and mana drain can easily keep it down.

Good point. But i would not want the leaderboard to be split up. An option to freeze my points within 24 or so hours before the reset - meaning no more ranked battles for me and not being able to get invaded in ranked mode - could be an option.

Something that I am looking forward to is making extremely trollish defends. Exiting out of the game now penalizes a player, so extremely annoying hard to kill teams will be good again.

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I probably won’t regret my decision of quitting PVP then…

EDIT: Ignore this post. I’m writing nonsense here.

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That’s a good point.

It looks like it costs 5 gems to choose a new set of ranked PvP battles. Hopefully this should help prevent a coordinated guild targeting certain players only (to bring them down the leaderboard).

I thought the whole point of being an underdog was to win when you’re expected to lose. Seems counterintuitive to quit. It won’t be as bad as you think.